Verse 42.
Through the inspirations of my spiritual mentor Dr. Wayne Dyer
I have undertaken this year, (as he did in 2006), the teachings of theeighty-one verses of the "Tao Te Ching." Legend says that the "Tao"
(pronounced "Dao") was written by the prophet "Lao-tzu" some five
hundred years before the birth of Christ. The interpretation of the words
Tao is "The Way" Te is "The Shape and Power" and Ching is "The Book."
It has been called "one of the profoundest books in world philosophy."
For my references I have been studying the interpretations and teachings of
Dr. Dyer from his book "Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life."
In the spirit of Eagle Eye, here is my inspired (poetic) interpretation of
Verse 42.
Melt into the harmonious.
See how you gain... by losing,
and lose... by gaining.
Melt into the harmonious.
Feel the hidden forces of (truly) living,
that bring "everything" in life to simply being.
Melt into the harmonious.
Think of oneness... as wholeness,
all opposing forces, in balance, with awareness.
Melt into the harmonious.
The opposites of yin and yang...your guided course,
the beautiful blending (of harmony) within your Source.
Melt into the harmonious.
Lose your need for who, and what you have,
then simply give away... to find your way.
Melt into the harmonious.
Become the observer, rather than the owner,
and discover yourself... "melting into the harmonious."
Live. Inspired.
Ray Paul