Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Live. Inspired. is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with you...it makes me feel good too!

What is the Fix?

What is the fix,
for this fix I am in.
Being stronger, and better, 
and extending my chin!

Perhaps I'm expecting, 
just a little too much.
Beating myself up,
and hurting... and such. 

My mistakes have been many,
for that I'm not proud.
But forgiveness is love,
and I'll shout that out loud!

Sometimes it's hard, 
all the "lost"... and the ache.
There even are days,
where it's all I can take.

I know I'm not perfect,
most certainly not.
But when the season is right,
I'll give it all that I've got!

I know that I'm blessed,
in so many ways.
So for now (in this moment),
my heart (peacefully) stays.

I know that the good stuff,
is well on it's way.
I look forward to it's arrival,
more and more each day.

So what is the answer,
to this fix that I am in?
It's patience and trust,
'til I'm ready to begin!

Raymond Paul

Sunday, February 17, 2013

                 My Prayer of Love and Forgiveness

                               Give me strength
                                       when I feel loss, 
                                   sadness, and uncertainty.
                                      Allow me to search
                                         within my heart,
                             and know the light of forgiveness,
                                            for myself,
                                         and for others;
                           for our hearts do not mean to harm.

                                          Forgive me
                                         when I falter,
                                       fall, or disappoint.
                              And nurture me with only peace,
                                  calm, and understanding.
                                          Release me
                              from the burdens of my mistakes,
                                          and free me
                              from the depths of my despair.

                                           Let me see
                                       and experience,
                            only the joy, beauty, and kindness
                                 in everyone, and every thing;
                                   for this life...."my life,"
                                          is very short;
                                  And there is only time
                               for this precious "gift" of life,
                                           and love...

     This is from my heart......
     And resonates (now) as well..... in recognition of Craig Windt's life.
     Husband, father, neighbour and friend.
     Another life, called....(seemingly).... far too soon.
     We are grateful for the gift of "your" life.
     May your body rest in peace....
     And your spirit grow and thrive...
     as you continue on your journey.

Raymond Paul