Tuesday, March 6, 2018

A Dad... and his Daughter

"Sharing Rainbows"

Sharing Rainbows is a wonderful and positive practice
that my amazing daughter and I share on a regular basis.
It is our special way, (and in our own words), of connecting,
communicating, and inspiring each other (and hopefully others)
in our lives.
Even though we live far apart, it is a heart-warming thing
for us to do -together- and it makes me so very happy.
Bless your beautiful heart Jessica. Thank you for doing this,
for making me so proud, and for making such a profound difference.
I love you... Dad.

Sharing Rainbows... March 6, 2018.

Dad....     "Be here, present, and in this moment.
                 For to be totally connected to your - self,
                 is to be aligned, in balance, true, and authentic."

Jessica...  "Everything in life is a choice. Positivity and kindness
                 are choices. Choose, those thoughts, and positively
                 change the quality of your life."

In humble gratitude.

Raymond Paul

Monday, March 5, 2018

Live. Inspired. (Too) is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with you...it makes me feel good too!

Live. Guided. Inspired.

How do You choose to Live. Today.
How will be Guided. Today.
How will You be Inspired. Today.

Let Your spirit soar,
and feel Your Self Guided on,
Your Journey.

Open Your heart,
to all You can be,
and allow all You are,
to simply be,
on Your destined path.

Guide, and be,
And feel that beautiful connection,
to Your beautiful life,
so perfectly, on purpose.

Like the peaceful river's that flow,
to the sea;
This is "the way"
that you too,
can be.

and be,
simply and beautifully.
in Your life.
Be Inspired.
by how aligned and on course,
You feel,
when You just surrender to,
Your spiritual soul;

In Humble Gratitude.

Raymond Paul