Monday, December 23, 2019

Collaborations. Awakening the Soul's Senses.

If the journey of a thousand steps
begins with a single step;
What might happen
if I began to run?

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Collaborations. Awakening the Soul's Senses.

I chose this life.
Because it's the one
I can live.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Collaborations. Awakening the Soul's Senses.

If it's going to be...
Then it's up to me.
Unless, (of course)
I am already just
being done.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Friday, December 20, 2019

Collaborations. Awakening the Soul's Senses.

My life's greatest gifts cost nothing.
All I need pay is...
My attention.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Collaborations. Awakening the Soul's Senses.

Did you ever notice.... 
that l-i-s-t-e-n,
contains all the same letters as

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Collaborations. Awakening the Soul's Senses.

My only attitude is...

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Collaborations. Awakening the Soul's Senses.

My most powerful way forward
is by simply,
giving back.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Monday, December 16, 2019

Collaborations. Awakening the Soul's Senses.

I love the idea of travel.
Always to that same beautiful place of,
now here.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Collaborations. Awakening the Soul's Senses.

There is nothing magic,
about believing in magic.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Collaborations. Awakening the Soul's Senses.

Be totally in awe of;

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Friday, December 13, 2019

Collaborations. Awakening the Soul's Senses.

When I think about what I can become;
I become what I think about.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Collaborations. Awakening the Soul's Senses.

I am not allowing my yesterday,
to take up too much of my today.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Collaborations... Awakening the Soul's Senses.

Do you BELIEVE it when you see it?
Do you SEE it when you believe it!

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Collaborations. Awakening the Soul's Senses.

Seek out...
All that is;
Seeking you.

In Humble Gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Monday, December 9, 2019

Collaborations. Awakening the Soul's Senses..

Seeing things from the end...
is only the beginning.

In humble gratitude...
Raymond Paul..

Monday, October 14, 2019

Live. Inspired. Too.

Living. Becoming What I Think About. Inspired.

I am living, conscious of my thoughts,
all those "things," experiences in my mind;
When I am..
Living. Becoming What I Think About.

I am processing, observing, sensing and feeling,
everything I need, already here, and right in front of me;
When I am..
Living. Becoming What I Think About.

I am living, ready, willing and available,
my thoughts expanding, growing, building in my awareness;
When I am..
Living. Becoming What I Think About. 

I am living a "can do" attitude for myself,
my beliefs, my knowings, all so very clear in my head..
When I am..
Living. Becoming What I Think About.

I am living, bringing everything into perspective,
my will, my intentions, my complete understanding of myself;
All that I am capable of.
When I am..
Living. Becoming What I Think About. Inspired.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Live. Inspired. Too.

Living. By How I'm Showing Up. Inspired.

I am focused on how I am truly feeling,
asking my - self how I am in this moment;
When I am..
Living. By How I'm Showing Up.

I am aware, and checking in on how things are,
am I allowing and accepting, or am I interfering and interrupting;
When I am..
Living. By How I'm Showing Up.

I am conscious of my truths,
staying honest, and in balance, with my heart and who I am;
When I am..
Living. By How I'm Showing Up.

I am looking at things completely differently, without fear, and through more open eyes,
I observe that which is present, here, now, and right in front of me;
When I am..
Living. By How I'm Showing Up.

I am my witness, and am responsible for all my life's decisions.
Am I "doing" more than I am "being,"
my actions always consistent with my intentions;
When I am..
Living. By How I'm Showing Up. Inspired.

In Humble Gratitude.
Raymond Paul.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Live. Inspired. Too.

Living. Responding With My Ability. Inspired.

I am living with responsibility in my life,
all my thoughts, feelings, and every action, my choice to make;
When I am..
Living. Responding With My Ability.

I am living my life's every experience,
my perceptions, my observations, all becoming my reality;
Whan I am..
Living. Responding With My Ability.

I am processing, understanding, conscious and aware,
all my potential, the limitless opportunities for my own internal growth;
When I am..
Living. Responding With My Ability.

I am seeing myself as being, the very best of me,
positive, happy, loving and caring, and making such a positive difference;
When I am..
Living. Responding With My Ability.

I am living with no-limits, no doubts, nor disbelief's,
my Universal life of joy, peace, harmony, and acceptance,
My sense of truth and genuine purpose.
When I am..
Living. Responding With My Ability. Inspired.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Live. Inspired. Too.

Living. Choosing Leadership in my Life. Inspired.

I am living by my choices, and how I manifest and make them,
choosing to lead by my example, giving back, and making a positive difference;
When I am..
Living. Choosing Leadership in my Life.

I am reflecting my actions back onto myself, and for others,
the ability and the responsibility to influence important changes in my world;
When I am..
Living. Choosing Leadership in my Life.

I am acting on my beliefs, my true intentions to be the best that I can be,
my heart and soul aligned, and in perfect balance with what I am wanting to achieve;
When I am..
Living. Choosing Leadership in my Life.

I am staying in my strength, my passion alive and inspired to the connected whole,
the amazing energy of others, feeling and living their inspirations for a greater good;
When I am..
Living. Choosing Leadership in my Life.

I am consciously observing the countless opportunities that are all around me,
the power of love, the incredible connections to all that can be done,
A community of the human spirit ... as one...
When I am..
Living. Choosing Leadership in my Life. Inspired.

In Humble Gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Monday, September 2, 2019

Live. Inspired. Too.

Living. Holding in that Special Space. Inspired.

I am living, standing in the scar's of all my life's experiences,
in love and on purpose, for all my teachings, my lesson's learned;
When I am..
Living. Holding in that Special Space.

I am staying in my power, feeling vulnerable, yet unafraid,
the raw emotions, percolating, so close to my very surface;
When I am..
Living. Holding in that Special Space.

I am alone, but not, my angel guides watching over me,
hovering so beautifully with, beside, and all around me,
When I am..
Living. Holding in that Special Space.

I am forgiving, giving, living, healing, and feeling, all the love,
my own true self, awake, aware, and completely conscious;
When I am..
Living. Holding in that Special Space.

I am remaining calm, at peace, and at beautiful ease,
trusting in all that is meant to be, my life's plan already all figured out for me;
My perfectly imperfect life... exactly as it should be.
When I am..
Living. Holding in that Special Space. Inspired.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Live. Inspired. Too.

Living. Removing My-Self from all the Chaos. Inspired.

I am living, forgiving, finding my quiet space,
in silence, in peace, and away from all the noise;
When I am;
Living. Removing My-Self from all the Chaos.

I am more content, present, and happy in my solitude,
alone with my own thoughts, my emotions feeling more in check;
When I am:
Living. Removing My-Self from all the Chaos.

I am seeing only light, the dark and stormy clouds gradually lifting,
every - thing becoming clearer, more stable and in balance;
When I am;
Living. Removing My-Self from all the Chaos.

I am so much more in balance, less vulnerable,
my spirit rising, my body feeling less heavy, and ready to rise up;
When I am:
Living. Removing My-Self from all the Chaos.

I am breathing easier, my energies more focused on my own health and well being,
my ability to observe so much more clearly now,
the Who I am, and the How I want to be;
My heart and soul aligned, and on purpose...
When I am:
Living. Removing My-Self for all the Chaos. Inspired.

In Humble Gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Monday, August 12, 2019

Live. Inspired. Too.

Living. Blessing the Difficult Times. Inspired.

I am living, still here, present, raw, and painfully aware,
my emotions, and my feelings, all so very close to the surface;
When I am:
Living. Blessing the Difficult Times. 

I am sending out only love, compassion and understanding,
for myself, and for all those that I hold close;
When I am:
Living. Blessing the Difficult Times. 

I am feeling vulnerable, alone, and to myself,
yet somehow still connected, my Universe of of love and support all around me;
When I am:
Living. Blessing the Difficult Times. 

I am blessing all the hurt and pain I feel,
the ability to send only love and healing thoughts in peace and humbleness;
When I am:
Living. Blessing the Difficult Times. 

I am seeking the light, the illumination of a brighter day,
my heart and soul searching for the guidance to see me through.
The blessings of our lives well lived,
grateful for all the good that simply is;
When I am:
Living. Blessing the Difficult Times. Inspired.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Live. Inspired. Too.

Living. The Reflections of My Life. Inspired.

I am witnessing the incredible beauty of my life's reflections,
mirror images of my existence, shining brightly back at me;
When I am..
Living. The Reflections of My Life.

I am all the colours, the dazzling palette of a perfect rainbow,
my entire being in harmony with all of Nature's amazing wonder;
When I am..
Living. The Reflections of My Life.

I so strongly sense, the beauty that is, that perfect paradox,
my life's journey, a clear reflection of my true and authentic self;
When I am..
Living. The Reflections of My Life.

I am fully surrendered, all my power so graciously given up,
simply allowing my self to unfold, in belief, and back onto me;
When I am..
Living. The Reflections of My Life.

I feel so blissfully at peace, humbled in my smallness,
recognizing my oneness, and that I am but only one small spec;
My Universe of purpose, joy, love and hope.
When I am..
Living. The Reflections of My Life. Inspired.

In Humble Gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Live. Inspired. Too.

Living. Through Those Dark Days. Inspired.

I am living, positively, through the clouds, the blinding darkness,
those tough days, where things seem so challenging and difficult to overcome;
When I am..
Living. Through Those Dark Days.

I am seeing the light, the bright rays filtering through my stormy skies,
always searching for the good, the happiness that I know will come - in time;
When I am..
Living. Through Those Dark Days. 

I am trusting in me, my true and authentic self,
believing in my ability to work through these times of hurt and sadness;
When I am..
Living. Through Those Dark Days.

I am staying in that place of love, acceptance and careful patience,
surrounding myself in the beautiful energy of Nature, her healing, and creation;
When I am..
Living. Through Those Dark Days.

I know, with all that I am, that I possess the courage and the power, to overcome,
to shift my energy, my thoughts, and my healthy spirit.
My world a more positive, happy, and grateful place;
When I am..
Living. Through Those Dark Days. Inspired.

In Humble Gratitude.
Raymond Paul.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Live. Inspired. Too.

Living. Staying In My Power. Inspired.

I am living, strong, aware, aligned, and in perfect balance,
my sense of self, control, and my ability to make all my right choices;
When I am..
Living. Staying in my Power.

I am clearly focused, and powerfully motivated,
the path of my life, all right there, and just in front of me;
When I am..
Living. Staying in my Power.

I am feeling confident, energized, alert and right on purpose,
my opportunities, intentions, needs, and desires, all available to me;
When I am..
Living. Staying in my Power.

I am in charge, every decision, my very own to make,
alone in that calm knowing, that every - thing is exactly as it should be;
When I am..
Living. Staying in my Power.

I am at peace, the sense and natural pull of my life's direction,
calmly guiding me... for if it is to be, it is clearly;
Up to me!
When I am..
Living. Staying in my Power. Inspired.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Friday, April 26, 2019

Live. Inspired. Too.

Living. Not Pushing Back. Inspired.

I am living, not pushing back against my true self,
allowing everything to simply unfold and to just naturally flow;
When I am..
Living. Not Pushing Back.

I am open, surrendered, to the simplest of things,
not forcing, interfering, disrupting, or causing;
When I am..
Living. Not Pushing Back.

I am at peace with my thoughts, all of my non-actions,
a state of conscious awareness that only allows;
When I am..
Living. Not Pushing Back.

I am aligned with my inner being, my sense of self;
focused only on what and how I want my life to be;
When I am..
Living. Not Pushing Back.

I am concentrating on my here and now, these present moments,
of happy, content, joy, and at peace with all that is,
and as it was truly meant to be;
When I am..
Living. Not Pushing Back. Inspired.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Live. Inspired. Too.

Living. Pausing My Past. Inspired.

I am pausing my past, not looking back, or staying stuck,
becoming only still in my mind, in the peace of this moment;
When I am..
Living. Pausing My Past.

I am letting go of all of the history, the things that hold me back,
open only to the infinite oceans of my conscious awareness;
When I am..
Living. Pausing My Past.

I am believing in all that I know, finding my forever true self,
free in my choices to live the life that I deserve and desire;
When I am..
Living. Pausing My Past.

I am focused on the movement, the powerful flow of love's energy in me,
guiding, leading, and directing me on the path to this journey's brightest light;
When I am..
Living. Pausing My Past.

I am surrendering, letting things be, giving, and changing,
the evolution of my life unfolding, my truth,
the manifestation of my infinite Spirit;
When I am..
Living. Pausing My Past. Inspired.

In Humble Gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Monday, April 15, 2019

Live. Inspired. Too.

Living. Witnessing Greatness. Inspired.

I am living, witnessing, observing, and experiencing greatness,
like a dedicated, focused, driven and gifted athlete applying his craft;
When I am..
Living. Witnessing Greatness.

I am inspired, motivated, at the power, the precision, the incredible strength,
the will and desire to be the best of the best;
When I am..
Living. Witnessing Greatness.

I am understanding of the sacrifice, the endurance, and all that it takes,
the coming together of passion, perseverance, that powerful Universal force of energy;
When I am..
Living. Witnessing Greatness.

I am learning that everything I can dream and imagine,
can become my reality, if I first just see my will to believe;
When I am..
Living. Witnessing Greatness.

I am seeing, and admiring, the most beautiful greatness of all,
Mother Nature, her amazing gifts, providing me with my every opportunity,
to simply be, my very best of... Me;
When I am..
Living. Witnessing Greatness. Inspired.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Live. Inspired. Too.

Living. In the Vibration of Appreciation. Inspired.

I am living, vibrating, so beautifully, and energetically connected,
in appreciation, for all the amazing orchestration of our Universe;
When I am..
Living. In the Vibration of Appreciation.

I am manifesting all those good thoughts and feelings,
all the right things just magically appearing, showing up;
When I am..
Living. In the Vibration of Appreciation.

I am so deeply in the vortex, observing, witnessing,
the perfection of alignment between my Source, and my authentic self;
When I am..
Living. In the Vibration of Appreciation.

I am amplifying, radiating, and expanding all that is,
the spirit of abundance, love and pure joy, alive and well in me;
When I am..
Living. In the Vibration of Appreciation.

I am staring through the window, the doors of hope and opportunity,
open wide, the unconscious knowing and complete belief, that in gratitude;
Every thing is possible;
When I am..
Living. In the Vibration of Appreciation. Inspired.

In Humble Gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Live. Inspired. Too.

Living. Honouring the Traditions. Inspired.

I am honoured, humbled, connected, and emotionally aligned,
to all the beautiful, respectful, and wonderful history of our human spirit;
When I am..
Living. Honouring the Traditions.

I am so very grateful for the moments, all the incredible images,
the history of all of those who have inspired and come before me;
When I am..
Living. Honouring the Traditions.

I am feeling so beautifully aware, present, in the here and now,
yet all the while, conscious, of the paths that have been blazed in the past;
When I am..
Living. Honouring the Traditions.

I am deeply inspired, appreciative and at peace,
my ability to live in this time of both reflection and new beginnings;
When I am..
Living. Honouring the Traditions.

I am forever grateful, for the incredible memories, the special times;
the love of family, valued friendships, and all of my life's amazing experiences,
so humbly blessed:
When I am..
Living. Honouring the Traditions. Inspired.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Monday, April 1, 2019

Live. Inspired. Too.

Living. Peering Through the Darkness. Inspired.

I am living, seeking only light, looking through my dark shadows,
examining my true self, looking to be the person I really want to be;
When I am..
Living. Peering Through the Darkness.

I am reflecting in the mirror of my life, observing,
just who and how I am, what I want, and where I need to be in my life;
When I am..
Living. Peering Through the Darkness.

I understand the choices that I make are my own, my responsibility,
the things I choose to see, the way I choose to react, and how I choose to feel;
When I am..
Living. Peering Through the Darkness.

I know that my challenges will come and go, the energy constantly moving,
my willingness to forge ahead, walk my way through, in love and forgiveness;
When I am..
Living. Peering Through the Darkness.

I am rising up, witnessing that darkest time before any dawn,
confident in the knowing that there will always be that beautiful light,
shining brightly on my grateful soul;
When I am..
Living. Peering Through the Darkness. Inspired.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Monday, March 25, 2019

Live. Inspired. Too.

Living. Moving Through It. Inspired.

I am growing, constantly, examining, and observing,
witnessing the changes, giving way, and always expanding;
When I am..
Living. Moving Through It.

I am knowing, feeling, and valuing the perfection in my life,
my inspired self more loving, caring, and compassionate;
When I am..
Living. Moving Through It.

I am holding in this place of gratitude and conscious awareness,
my entire being energized, accountable, and looking forward to what is next;
When I am..
Living. Moving Through It.

I am flowing, constantly, seeking, exploring and searching out,
the quiet inner messages of my authentic truths;
When I am..
Living. Moving Through It. 

I am listening, those powerful voices, in the stillness of my peaceful mind,
guiding, advising, teaching, that one infinite source of brilliant intelligence,
that says.. "All that is.. I am."
When I am
Living. Moving Through It. Inspired.

In Humble Gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Friday, March 15, 2019

Live. Inspired. Too.

Living. Staying Out of My Own Way. Inspired.

I am living, choosing, as effortlessly as possible, to stay out of my way,
remaining only in my heart, and not in my head;
When I am;
Living. Staying Out of My Own Way.

I am conscious of my allowing, not trying to interfere,
feeling all my good vibrations, the healthy and positive energies in my life;
When I am..
Living. Staying Out of My Own Way.

I am deliberately surrendering, to the powerful pull of these natural intentions,
choosing only to be, never forceful, or pushing my way through;
When I am..
Living. Staying Out of My Own Way.

I am learning, affirming, recognizing and accepting,
the Universal flow of every - thing, in love, without intervene or interference;
When I am..
Living. Staying Out of My Own Way.

I am treading lightly, leaving only the smallest of footprints,
my journey of acceptance, belief and complete trust,
so beautifully unfolding in front of me;
When I am..
Living. Staying Out of My Own Way. Inspired.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Live. Inspired. Too.

Living. Everything in Balance. Inspired.

I am observing, each day, the choices I make in my life,
in balance, aligned, and in harmony with my heart;
When I am..
Living. Everything in Balance.

I am on purpose, staying true, a sense of peaceful equilibrium,
my life never overemphasized on just one thing;
When I am..
Living. Everything in Balance.

I am staying present, completely aware and conscious,
understanding that I cannot be everything to everybody;
When I am..
Living. Everything in Balance.

I am committed to doing the very best I can with what I have,
never pushing, interfering, dominating or controlling;
When I am..
Living. Everything in Balance.

I am accepting my role in this beautiful Universe of things,
where I fit, how I belong, what I share and contribute,
and who I truly am in my heart,
When I am..
Living. Everything in Balance. Inspired.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Friday, March 8, 2019

Live. Inspired. Too.

Living. With Grace in Forgiveness. Inspired.

I am living in an a light and empowered state of forgiveness,
and from a peaceful place of love and non-judgement;
When I am..
Living. With Grace in Forgiveness.

I am embracing all of my life's lessons,
the hurt, the challenges, the times of pain and disappointment;
When I am..
Living. With Grace in Forgiveness.

I am letting go, all of the discomfort, angst and the anguish of the past,
focused only on the now, this moment, here and being present;
When I am..
Living. With Grace in Forgiveness.

I am practicing in my giving, replacing all the darkness with a beautiful light,
releasing my need to be right, with the simple process of only being kind;
When I am..
Living. With Grace in Forgiveness.

I am taking full responsibility for my feelings, judgements, and actions of my past,
recognizing, and allowing, the Universal trust of life's natural flow,
healing my soul, and the heart's of others;
When I am..
Living. With Grace in Forgiveness. Inspired.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Live. Inspired. Too.

Living. Knowing What I Want. Inspired.

I am focused on my place of knowing, the everything I want,
so perfectly clear to me, versus what I do not want;
When I am..
Living. Knowing What I Want.

I am aware, and no longer intending more "stuff" in my life,
manifesting only that which serves, the positive energies of my heart and soul;
When I am..
Living. Knowing What I Want.

I am staying in a positive, loving and peaceful place,
working on me, my authentic self, and what I want to truly feel;
When I am..
Living. Knowing What I Want.

I am always seeking the solution, not the problem,
patient and trusting in the Universe to take care of all the details;
When I am..
Living. Knowing What I Want.

I am telling my own story, the articulation of my beautiful life,
narrated in colourful images, beliefs, a diatribe of my life well lived,
in brilliant joy, and unbridled happiness;
When I am..
Living. Knowing What I Want. Inspired.

In Humble Gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Friday, March 1, 2019

Live. Inspired. Too.

Living. Patiently Within. Inspired.

I am consciously living my life patiently, and on purpose,
quietly waiting, and allowing, for all my opportunities to appear;
When I am..
Living. Patiently. Within.

I am slowing my-self down, meditating, and breathing deeply,
keenly observing the virtues of my life lived in tranquility and peace;
When I am..
Living. Patiently. Within.

I am sensing my oneness, my silent energy so beautifully in tune,
my heart so perfectly aligned, in soul and in spirit;
When I am..
Living. Patiently Within.

I am practicing daily, my detachment from any desired outcome,
simply allowing my intentions to manifest, allowing, only when they should;
When I am..
Living. Patiently Within. 

I am feeling so beautifully connected, to all that is possible,
not rushing, never pushing, or interfering...only trusting,
that all I need is on it's way;
When I am..
Living. Patiently Within. Inspired.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Live. Inspired. Too.

Living. Keeping it Simple. Inspired.

I am keeping things simple, my life lived less complicated,
staying out of my own way, allowing, accepting instead of interfering;
When I am..
Living. Keeping it Simple.

I am staying out of my head, remaining in my heart,
my life's direction simply unfolding, naturally, and as it should;
When I am..
Living. Keeping it Simple.

I am leaning in, trusting, and not pushing back,
living my life more downhill, not up, following life's easy flow;
When I am..
Living. Keeping it Simple.

I am the observer, choosing instead to be the witness,
simply taking in all the beauty that is uncomplicated, and available;
When I am..
Living. Keeping it Simple.

I am tuning out all the noise, basking in the peace and quiet,
my heart and mind open to all the opportunities when I am listening,
my life's purpose so very clear within the deafening silence;
When I am..
Living. Keeping it Simple. Inspired.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Monday, February 18, 2019

Live. Inspired. Too.

Living. Thinking to Myself. Inspired.

I am thinking to myself, what a wonderful world,
all that is here, present, my every opportunity, all around me;
When I am..
Living. Thinking to Myself.

I am caught up in this moment, the landscapes of my life,
speaking clearly, in colourful images, brilliant rainbows in my mind;
When I am..
Living. Thinking to Myself.

I am in touch, my inner being, child-like and innocent,
every living thing, in perfect harmony with my giving heart;
When I am..
Living. Thinking to Myself.

I am humbled by the beauty, my Universe of peace and tranquility,
laying low, feeling Nature's flow, so beautifully aware, and alive in me;
When I am..
Living. Thinking to Myself.

I am alone in solitude with my thoughts, my energies in perfect tune,
my true calling, my real purpose, my authentic self, right here in front of me,
Exactly as it was meant to be;
When I am..
Living. Thinking to Myself. Inspired.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Live. Inspired. Too.

Living. Only Love. Inspired.

I am filled with only love in my heart and soul,
my purpose in this life authentic, true, and totally fulfilled;
When I am..
Living. Only Love.

I am celebrating the magnificent and brilliant light of love's perfection,
lighting up my entire world with the majestic vibrations of her connection;
When I am..
Living. Only. Love.

I am feeling only love for my life today, and for every living thing,
my world open to the giving goodness, the inspiration of all things possible;
When I am..
Living. Only Love.

I am giving love, gratefully accepting love, care, and kindness,
my life's blessings of gratitude to all those who I hold close;
When I am..
Living. Only Love.

I am completely embracing, and sharing the love I feel,
the beauty that is all that we share -together- in this time and place,
Life's single greatest gift;
When I am..
Living. Only Love. Inspired.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Live. Inspired. Too.

Living. Humble in My Heart. Inspired.

I am living gently, content, and at peace in this moment,
my soul humble in the knowledge when enough is enough;
When I am..
Living. Humble in My Heart.

I am breathing it all in, a deep and profound trust and understanding,
my life now lived in joy and happiness, doing more, with less;
When I am..
Living. Humble in My Heart.

I am in balance, satisfied, clear and completely on purpose,
believing with conviction, that who I truly am, is all I really need;
When I am..
Living. Humble in My Heart.

I am asking for, and expecting nothing in return,
only the humility of belief of self, dettached and free;
When I am..
Living. Humble in My Heart.

I am feeling grateful, blessed, and filled with an overwhelming sense of good,
all my fears released, the grace and beauty of this beautiful existence,
this amazing gift of my life in the here and now;
When I am..
Living. Humble in My Heart. Inspired.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Live. Inspired. Too.

Living. My Mind Wide Open. Inspired.

I am living with my mind open, wide, completely clear and conscious,
my every opportunity right in front of me, in the beautiful here and now;
When I am..
Living. My Mind Wide Open.

I am excited, motivated, inspired and completely trusting,
my life of intention, attraction, wishes and desires on their way;
When I am..
Living. My Mind Wide Open.

I am envisioning, all the possibilities, the new chapters, new beginnings,
the perfect alignment of love, connection, abundance happiness and joy;
When I am..
Living. My Mind Wide Open.

I am basking in the stillness, the peace and quiet of what could be in this moment,
a beautiful and open knowing that all is well and good, and right on time;
When I am..
Living. My Mind Wide Open.

I am holding close that brilliant light of positivity and the hope that shines,
staying only in the deepest places of my heart and soul, my imagination welcoming,
this beautiful unfolding.. My every wish fulfilled;
When I am..
Living. My Mind Wide Open. Inspired.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Live. Inspired. Too.

Living. Simply Being Kind. Inspired.

I am not out trying to single handedly save, conquer, or change the world,
or perform any kind of ground-breaking, or earth shattering action;
When I am..
Living. Simply Being Kind.

I have no ulterior motives, nor actively seeking any kind of special recognition,
no selfish thoughts around my intentions, wants, needs, expectations or desires;
When I am..
Living. Simply Being Kind.

I am only invested, but not attached to, the random acts of kindness given,
the building of a much larger community of care, in love, and in spirit for us all;
When I am..
Living. Simply Being Kind.

I am surrounding myself, and sharing openly, with so many others,
all of whom so beautifully share their passion, their willingness, and the desire to make a difference;
When I am..
Living. Simply Being Kind.

I am only treating others, our world, the earth, and the community in which we live,
with peaceful respect, honour, humble care, love and generous concern;
In the same way that I, we, all of us, deserve to be treated;
When I am..
Living. Simply Being Kind. Inspired.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Monday, January 28, 2019

Live. Inspired. Too.

Leaning In. Seeking Out. Embracing My Life. Inspired.

I am focused now on leaning in, feeling the gentle pull of life's simple unfolding,
my energy gravitating, magnetically, here in the quiet stillness of a peaceful morning;
When I am..
Leaning In. Seeking Out. Embracing My Life.

I am continuing to seek out, the answers, to the many questions,
letting go, in forgiveness, the many challenges, and hardships of the past;
When I am..
Leaning In. Seeking Out. Embracing My Life.

I am embracing this life, all the changes and sacrifices, the teachings and the learnings,
my special angels guiding, supporting, leading and loving me, unconditionally, along the way;
When I am..
Leaning In. Seeking Out. Embracing My Life.

I am choosing to follow all those better feeling thoughts,
my vibrational energies in alignment with the Universal attraction of connection;
When I am..
Leaning In. Seeking Out. Embracing My Life.

I am being courageous, choosing, on purpose, to be ahead of all my fears,
staying open, honest, and motivated by my gift's of hope, meaning and understanding;
All, from that brilliant place of grace and gratitude:
When I am..
Leaning In. Seeking Out. Embracing Life. Inspired.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Friday, January 25, 2019

Live. Inspired. Too. 

Living. In Service to Our World. Inspired.

I am always looking, seeking out, prepared and willing,
my energies of opportunity, to appear, show up, to be there, and to help out;
When I am..
Living In Service to Our World.

I am embracing, actively pursing, and feeling the need,
in all the places that are present, and available to me;
When I am..
Living In Service to Our World.

I am feeling the strong magnetic pull, the beautiful oneness of us all,
the connectedness and the coming together of spirit, in our heart's and souls;
When I am..
Living. In Service to Our World. 

I am looking to build on all of the positive and courageous energies that inspire, motivate,
that powerful pull of source and inclination, stimulating others to join the cause;
When I am..
Living. In Service to Our World.

I am feeling grateful, blessed, excited by these gifts of giving back,
the brightness of a well lit path shining brightly in front of me,
guiding, directing, illuminating, and clearly showing me;
The Way;
When I am..
Living. In Service to Our World. Inspired.

In Humble Gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Live. Inspired. Too.

Living. By My Agreements. Inspired.

I am living by my word, meaning what I say,
saying what I mean, and always, and in all ways, following through;
When I am..
Living. By My Agreements.

I am taking nothing that happens to me in my life personally,
comfortable in the knowing that the good opinion of other's is none of my business;
When I am..
Living. By My Agreements.

I am making no assumptions of what is to be for me,
focused only in this moment, on the choices that I am making for my life;
When I am..
Living. By My Agreements.

I am always being, and doing my my best,  never judging others,
my truth and purpose guiding me, in perfect alignment of my chosen path;
When I am..
Living. By My Agreements.

I am in constant practice of my agreements, every day, living fully,
and taking actions, making my decisions, from my heart, for what I believe in,
Feeling good, happy, and peacefully fulfilled;
When I am..
Living. By My Agreements. Inspired.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Live. Inspired. Too.

Living. Surrendering to My True Purpose. Inspired.

I am surrendering my need to figure it all out,
cultivating understanding and patience, my ability to let it all in;
When I am..
Living. Surrendering to My True Purpose.

I am no longer trying to fight, or interfere, with that which is not just win or lose,
my life's Universal plan simply playing out exactly as it was intended;
When I am..
Living. Surrendering to My True Purpose. 

I am open, raw, and accepting of how things are in this moment,
the realization of what is meant to be, the freshness of a brand new day;
When I am..
Living. Surrendering to My True Purpose.

I am living in this peaceful place of respect, worthiness, self-love, and forgiveness,
my heart full and grateful, for my chosen life, and all it's blessings;
When I am..
Living. Surrendering to My True Purpose.

I am taking in, every step of this light, and conscious earthly walk,
moving forward slowly, softly, and leaving only footprints of kindness, love,
and of giving, in service to others;
When I am..
Living. Surrendering to My True Purpose. Inspired.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Live. Inspired. Too.

Living. Guided by My Vibrations. Inspired.

I am focused on feeling good, happy, and fulfilled in my life,
my inner self connected, and aligned in peace, and joy;
When I am..
Living. Guided by My Vibrations.

I am feeling the frequency, and the power of that magnetic attraction,
all of my soul's natural energy, reflecting, directing, and drawing me in;
When I am..
Living. Guided by My Vibrations.

I know that I am not not experiencing coincidences in my world,
only allowing my energy to match that of opportunity, trust and belief;
When I am..
Living. Guided by My Vibrations.

I am empowered to live connected to those frequencies of my true self,
my desires, intentions, wants and needs, completely in balance and aligned;
When I am..
Living. Guided by My Vibrations.

I am always receiving the essence of what I am giving,
the creator of my vibrational match to that positive truth of my inner being,
Quietly guiding me on my chosen path;
When I am..
Living. Guided by My Vibrations. Inspired.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Friday, January 11, 2019

Live. Inspired. Too.

Living. Acknowledging My Emotions. Inspired.

I recognize that there are times when I am struggling,
my world unbalanced, challenged, and misaligned;
When I am..
Living. Acknowledging My Emotions. 

I am allowing my self to really feel all that I am experiencing,
the hurt, the pain, the sadness that sometimes just shows up;
When I am..
Living. Acknowledging My Emotions.

I observe my heart, when I am sensing stress, anger, or discomfort,
the emptiness of loss and the difficult disconnect of what once was;
When I am..
Living. Acknowledging My Emotions. 

I am trusting, and believing in the Universal plan,
knowing that I am simply being done according to my soul's destined path;
When I am..
Living. Acknowledging My Emotions. 

I am staying present, patient, and in a place of grace and gratitude,
humbled for all my life's lessons, the endings and the new beginnings,
All of it, as it is meant to be;
When I am..
Living. Acknowledging My Emotions. Inspired.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Friday, January 4, 2019

Live. Inspired. Too.

Living. My Wishes, Goals, and Dreams. Inspired.

I am living, each day, through the signs, the signals,
the unifying inner current that directs and manifests all that I desire;
When I am..
Living. My Wishes, Goals, and Dreams.

I feel a quiet connection, a silent but powerful guidance,
all the brilliant energy, now here, available, and pulling me along my chosen path;
When I am..
Living. My Wishes, Goals, and Dreams.

I understand that I am the architect, the sculptor, and the creator of all that I intend,
allowing what was once imagined, to just effortlessly appear;
When I am..
Living. My Wishes, Goals, and Dreams.

I am feeling, so strongly, the hidden essence of that which transforms,
all that I imagine, wish and dream for, now revealing itself, just exactly as I had seen it;
When I am..
Living. My Wishes, Goals,  and Dreams.

I am focusing all of my attention on my intentions, my wishes,
my world of subconscious, now conscious, and completely connected,
All my dreams, showing up to precisely where... I am right now;
When I am..
Living. My Wishes, Goals, and Dreams. Inspired.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul