Friday, January 7, 2011

Living The Wisdom of the Tao.
Verse One
Through the inspirations of my spiritual mentor Dr. Wayne Dyer, I have undertaken this year to study, (as he did in 2006), the teachings of the eighty-one verses of the "Tao Te Ching." Legend says that the "Tao" (pronounced "Dao") was written by the prophet "Lao-tzu" some five hundred years before the birth of Christ. The interpretation of the words Tao is "The Way" Te is "The Shape and Power" and Ching is "The Book." It has been called "one of the profoundest books in the world's philosophy." For my references I have been studying the interpretations and teachings of Dr. Dyer from his book "Change Your Thoughts - Change Your life." In the spirit of EagleEye, here is my inspired (poetic) interpretation of Verse One.


"Allowing the way is the understanding of of letting go... and letting Be.
A beautiful mystery REVEALED; before our awakened eyes.
Effortless. Desireless; yet conscious, to the senses that reveal
the Secrets of the Tao.
Name it. Allow it. Do not name it. Allow it. Live it. Permit it... and Allow it:
For the way of the universe is to trust in it's mysterious unveiling.
Like a cloak of darkness lifting,  to a Brilliant Light.
Listen to it's silent beauty and bask in all that you sense, feel, and love.
Allowing, and accepting all that is creation...and unconditional.
In love and peace from the very heart of 
Your Source."

Live. Inspired.

Ray Paul 


1 comment:

  1. Ray Paul. Forgive me. I already posted a response, but could not see it. After knowing you for over 20+yrs You never fail to surprise me. Your words are beautiful.and I am proud to be considered a friend. You may be surprised that Dr Wayne Dyer is one of my mentors in life and I have the 6cd set in my car ("the change your thoughts,Change your life) Living the wisdom of the Tao. It has helped me as i suspect you through some interesting events in my life. Great stuff Ray Paul. Your Scottish friend
