Stories from Birdie Lake
In quiet and peaceful solitude I sit, nestled amongst the tall cedars
and the pines. From my comfy canvas chair, just a few feet from the
shimmering shores of Birdie Lake, I am filled with gratitude for this
my happy home. I am one with Nature, and simply awestruck by all
the beauty that surrounds me.
It is here that I humbly share my joy and inspirations with..
"Stories from Birdie Lake."
A Story of Feeling... and Thanks.
Sitting here, quietly in my chair, I feel Nature's beauty all around me.
I feel a sense of profound gratitude for all the gifts which have been
bestowed upon me.
The bright sun casts a shimmering light across this peaceful pond,
And I give thanks.
As the cool gentle breezes caress my face I feel a renewed energy for life,
and all it's blessings.
For to be, and simply feel, I am aware of my alignment with my purpose,
my being, and for this amazing gift of Life.
And I give thanks.
I watch in joyful bliss as scores of carefree ducks dance happily upon
the lake.
I feel such an overwhelming sense of awareness, consciousness, and by
simply noticing, I feel alive.. and present.. and it all feels so very good.
And I give thanks.
With gratitude, and thanks...
Raymond Paul
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