Monday, June 16, 2014

Happy Father's Day!

This healthy little "piece of my mind" is dedicated to my lovely daughter Jessica
(whom I have the good fortune to be visiting here in Florida for Father's Day.)
Thank you sweetheart for making me such a lucky, blessed, and (extremely) proud Father.
I love you so very much....
May the universe (and all her goodness) continue to watch over you...
Always.. and in "all ways."
I love you...

What being a Father really means... to me.

Being a Father means... First and foremost... Love. 
In the purest, simplest, and most unconditional of form.
It is truly a gift... and there is never a day that goes by where I do not feel,
(and fully recognize), the importance of this amazing experience.

Being a Father means... Learning.
There certainly was (or is) NO manual for this. Other than what I had
experienced with my father, this "being a Dad" myself has been all about learning.
And I am still continuing to learn as I go! It is not always easy, but I am grateful for
all my lessons. Most of all I am grateful to my daughter for teaching me about life,
(as a parent), and how the world appears through her eyes.

Being a Father means... Responsibility.
Like any parent the choice to bring a child into this world comes with
an enormous amount of responsibility. With that, comes the
responsibility for me to set an example, to nurture, and to teach my
daughter her own responsibilities. She must learn that we are (all)
responsible, not only to ourselves, but to the entire world around us...
everyone and everything in it.

Being a Father means... Sacrifice.
Although it may not always feel like it, (because we love and care so
much), there is always a great deal of sacrifice for any parent.
Putting my daughter first is (of course) something I do happily and with great joy.
It is indeed one of life's most rewarding experiences, and (I find) that there is
virtually nothing that I would not do (in love) for my beautiful daughter.

Being a Father means... Guidance / Being there.
Guidance is about the balance of guiding, leading, and letting go.
Many times guidance takes the form of helping (without helping).
Allowing my daughter to discover for herself. (kind of like gently
letting go of the bicycle, and letting her ride away on her own.)
It is about observing, yet allowing her to find her way...
Learn for herself... her own life's lessons.
This is how it is meant to be, and there is trust... trust in the universe that there is
already a plan... I am here only to observe, protect, (and joyfully celebrate)
as witness to "her solo dance" as it so beautifully plays out.
Of course I will always be there, (near or far), and be that calming hand on her
shoulder, a comforting ear in a sad or difficult time, and always that enthusiastic
supporter of all her dreams.

Being a Father means... Communicating / Listening.
My spiritual mentor Dr Wayne Dyer wrote in his book The Power of Intention,
"Anything you put your attention on multiplies to strengthen the power of
your intention."
By communicating (openly, honestly, and regularly) with my daughter I am
effectively increasing the strength of our relationship. I am affirming
the importance of my care, love, and genuine concern for her in every
aspect of her life. By communicating, (and more importantly) listening to her,
we are (both) bringing our truth... and real support to one another.
It is powerful, purposeful... and completely worthwhile.

Being a Father sometimes means... Going to the Mall.!!!
OK... A lot of the time going to the mall.!! But that's OK too!
Because the truth is, I kind of like going to the mall too!! (especially with her.)
Anytime that we can do "anything" together, it's a very good thing.
Plus we always have a lot of fun... not to mention that she also has very good
taste! As much as it is about shopping for her it's very nice to have her along
to help pick out a few things for Dad! It genuinely helps to keep me looking
(and feeling) young!

(Finally)... Being a Father means... Being Grateful.
I live each day... in simple gratitude. Especially for the total joy I feel
for simply being a "Dad." There truly can be no other feeling quite
like it. I celebrate and give thanks for this amazing and special blessing
which has completely enriched my life.
Selfishly, my relationship with my daughter comes with it's own unique
circumstances, which has challenged us (by geographical distance) for many
years. Happily we haver never allowed our being apart to hinder our love
for one another (in any way.) In fact, in may ways we have faced this challenge
as an opportunity to work "together" on our special bond, and our wonderful
father / daughter connection.
I am so very proud... of both of us..
It has not always been easy (for either of us)... but we have focused (only)
on what we have. The love, respect, and (all) the beautiful blessings that have
been bestowed upon us. We are indeed (both) so very, very blessed.

This is what "Being a Father"... really means to me.

Raymond Paul.

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