In Gratitude
As I (now) conclude this enlightening journey of learning
and understanding, it is with immense gratitude that I recognize,
and appreciate where this wonderful "awakening" has taken me.
Thank you to Lao-tzu for his prophetic, powerful, and incredibly
meaningful eighty-one verses of the "Tao Te Ching."
It is such an amazing gift to this world.
Thank you to Dr. Wayne Dyer, (my spiritual mentor, guide and teacher),
for his love and sharing of his very special "Wisdom of The Tao."
His brilliant and heart-felt essays, all so beautifully written in his
life-changing book, "Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life."
It would be fair to say for me, that over this past year or so,
and through all my study, learning, and "living" of this on my own,
that I have come to observe a very important change in me...
I have experienced a very powerful transition ...a conscious spiritual
shift from where I was, to where (and who) I am now...
"Living".... this new life of purpose, meaning and awareness..
It has most definitely....
"Changed my Thoughts",
and even more dramatically...
"Changed my Life."
Through the combined teachings of these two "Masters," I have come
to learn that how I Am, and how I do things, is what is most important
in my life.
I now enjoy a much clearer understanding of the paradoxes of my
physical life, the yin and yangs, the ups and downs, and (ultimately)
what my true purpose (here) really is.
My sole responsibility, as I see and feel it now, is to (only) "Love."
To give love, be love, to love one's self... and to co-exist, in love,
with "all" of life...
And to do it from a place of oneness... and balance..
In peace, humility, happiness and harmony.
It is how we were all created, loved into existence, and naturally
meant to do.
In many ways it is really quite simple.
Yet, it is also our nature (at times) to complicate things.
Listen only to our egos.
Perhaps be influenced by others by what "they" may think we need to do.
Through all that noise it is possible to become judgemental, even hurtful,
which ultimately leaves us feeling empty, lost, and only desiring more
"things" in an effort to try and make us happy.
This is not "the way" to feeling truly fulfilled.
The truth (really) is... It's already here!
Everything we need... already provided.
In this abundant and heavenly place, of here and now...
There is nothing to do...
It is already done. All of it!
All we need is (only) trust, belief, and the awareness to simply... notice.
We need to "stop" doing so much doing!...
Loosen the ropes that hold us back..
And just "be"...
Be that beautiful human.... "being."
Allow, awaken, and appreciate, this most amazing, precious, and
miraculous gift of Life.
We can learn so very much from Nature.
She is always perfect... Always, and in all-ways..
Witness for yourself.... and appreciate all of her amazing beauty....
Magnificent ....in her harmoniously and balanced perfection.
Effortlessly... she flows...
Always giving.... Always forgiving....
Never expecting anything in return.
The ultimate paradox of Life.
This is the (true) secret.. and most amazingly.... no secret at all!
We simply need to take the time... and simply observe.
All the wonder .. all the gifts. Right here... right now...
And right in front of us.
Everything we need, already provided, available, abundant, and free!
Our most important gifts in life....cost nothing.
Only our recognition, appreciation, and understanding.
It is about Loving Life.. in care compassion, and concern.
Everything... from a gracious place of.. heart.
So I Breathe.
Lean back into life... (and)
Live ...Love ...Give.. and Forgive...
In oneness.. and respect....for all of life.
This is the simplest and most powerful sharing of "The Great Way."
This wonderful and life-changing gift of... "The Wisdom of The Tao."
Thank you Lao-tzu.
Thank you Dr. Dyer.
Collectively you have "Changed (this man's) Thoughts."....
And so very beautifully inspired me to this place of consciousness
where I have gratefully taken your soulful and spiritual lessons,
and created them into my own writings of poetic "Interpretations."
It has truly made a difference, has awakened me, and has most definitely...
"Changed My Life."
In Gratitude.
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