Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Collaborations. Awakening the Soul's Senses.

You have a choice.
To see what you see.
And to decide...
For Yourself.

The road ahead...

Is it is sunset,
or is it a sunrise?

Is there a storm coming,
or is there a storm clearing?

Is the sky growing darker,
or is the sky getting brighter?

Is this road full of bumps and curves,
or is this road simply straight and smooth?

Is there more road behind you,
or is there more road in front of you?

Is this the same road you've always taken,
or is this a new road to somewhere different?

Is this a road to nowhere,
or is this the road to now here?

Is this someone else's road,
or is this road that's yours?
The one that you have chosen,
and destined to be on?

It is always,
your choice.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

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