Monday, June 15, 2020


I consider myself a non-political, spiritual, and caring person.
I do my best to put a positive spin on things, even in the most difficult and trying of circumstances.
I do believe that, for the most part, people are kind well intentioned, and good.

Now, I feel like the world I want to believe in is literally coming apart.
I am angry, I am desperately sad....  and I am frustrated to the very core of my soul.
We have suffered so long now from such a gross lack of leadership.
And now it must be said that it is enough.
That things are horrifically broken, and are in dire need of repair.
That people's hopes and dreams are seeming to disappear more and more each day..

The time has come to find leaders who will lead.
Leaders who show calm, compassion, and sensible strength.
Leaders who stand to protect us, who honour life, and freedom,
and the laws that have been put in place to do just that.

This is not political.
It is not left or right, blue or red.
Liberal or conservative.
This is about human decency and the genuine respect for life.
Every life.

It is time to stand up, and demand that which we all deserve.
No more games, posturing, or choosing sides.
No more lip service.
No more standing behind lies and political innuendo.
No more blaming others, or claiming to be the victim of what are your own actions.

It's about..
It's about compassion and genuine love, care, and the concerns,
and overall well-being for we as human beings.

It is time to stop the madness.
Time to set the leadership example.
Say what you mean... and mean what you say.
If not, move on, and make room for the other's that genuinely will.

It's time to stop the selfishness, or the "what's in it for me."
Time to put on a coat of common sense, for as of right now, it is completely uncommon.

We must not fall into the trap of there is nothing we can do.
You WILL see it.. when you believe it.
And now more than ever, we need each other, to stand up, raise our voices, and simply say;

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