Thursday, February 25, 2016

Doing. The Tao. Now.

"Practicing. Patience. and Staying. On Purpose."

I am slowing things down;
Practicing. Patience. and Staying. On Purpose.

I am seeing things more clearly, more aligned, by;
Practicing. Patience. and Staying. On Purpose.

I am feeling free, peaceful, and a wonderful sense of calm while;
Practicing. Patience. and Staying. On Purpose.

I am so much more aware, conscious, and in balance;
Practicing. Patience. and Staying. On Purpose.

I am more appreciative, grateful, and so very blessed;
Practicing. Patience. and Staying. On Purpose.

I know real happiness, joy, passion and creativity:
Practicing. Patience. and Staying. On Purpose.

I am on "my way," my quiet path, my life's true journey;
When meaningful so beautifully shifts. Simply. By;
Practicing. Patience. and Staying. On Purpose.

In humble gratitude.

Raymond Paul

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Doing the Tao. Now.

"I Am. Always. Good. Enough."

I Am always, and in all ways, at my very best;
Believing, that I Am. Always. Good. Enough.

When a doubt, or disappointment appears in my world,
I must remember, that I Am. Always. Good. Enough.

Seeing a challenge, a set back, or a worry in my day,
only serves to remind me that I Am. Always. Good. Enough.

Feeling alone, uneasy, or afraid in my life,
is relieved, in the knowledge that I Am. Always. Good. Enough.

Hearing criticism, negativity, or hurtful things,
are "let go" (in forgiveness) when I realize that I Am. Always. Good. Enough.

Staying in balance, with joy, happiness and love in my heart,
comes only when I free my spirit, in celebration, and in practice, with the motto;
I Am.

In humble gratitude.

Raymond Paul

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Doing. The Tao. Now.

"Going. With the Flow."

Swimming upstream is hard.
So this is why I have shifted, and am now;
Going. With the Flow.

Choosing a clear path.
A definite and purposeful direction is;
Going. With the Flow.

Understanding that moving downstream,
without increased strain, or overwhelming effort is;
Going. With the Flow.

Finding. Peace. Love. and Harmony,
in every aspect of my life is;
Going. With the Flow.

Focusing on the positive.
Attracting all that is good in my universe is;
Going. With the Flow.

Being mindful, appreciative, aligned and grateful.
Allows me to stay in that beautiful state of;
Going. With the Flow.

In humble gratitude.

Raymond Paul

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Doing the Tao. Now.

"Making. Choices."

Life is about Making. Choices.
And I am busy Making. Mine.
In Love. Light. Peace. and Harmony.

I am choosing (not) to Live. in Fear.
I am choosing (not) to Surrender. to the Negative.
Because it is My. Choice.

I am choosing to Be. Conscious. and Aware.
I am choosing to Make. a Difference.
Because it is My. Choice.

I am choosing to Be. Present. and in this Moment.
I am choosing to See. Feel. and (not) Judge.
Because it is My. Choice.

I am choosing to Recognize. That "things" do (not) belong to Me.
I am choosing to Observe. "My. Choice." to Choose.
Because it is My. Choice.

I am choosing to Know. and Understand.
That what goes on around Me. (not my choice) Has nothing to do with Me.
Because it is My. Choice.

I am choosing to Shift. My. Thoughts.
I am choosing to Think. before I. React.
Because it is My. Choice.

I am choosing the Process. to Choose.
I am choosing to better Serve. Myself. and Others.
Because it is My. Choice.

I am choosing the Opportunity. for Change.
I am choosing Co-operation. and all things Possible.
Because it is My. Choice.

I am choosing to be Creative. and Open.
I am choosing to Share. Trust. and Believe.
Because it is My. Choice.

I am choosing to Be. My. True. Self.
I am choosing what is Real. Aligned. Purposeful. and Good.
Because it is My. Choice.
And I. Am. Grateful. that I. Am. Free.
Making. Choices.

In humble gratitude.

Raymond Paul