Monday, April 27, 2020

Collaborations. Awakening the Soul's Senses.

See yourself as...

See yourself as;
Shining brightly through,
the one you know instinctively as you.

See yourself as;
Your pathway clear,
protect your heart and hold it near.

See yourself as;
Your actions are there for you to give,
a grateful place for you to live.

See yourself as;
It's how your heart is meant to be,
a beautiful example for your world to see.

See yourself as;
Believing in the spirit of who you are,
and that all you need is never far.

See yourself as;
That peaceful, quiet and open space,
you find yourself at home and in that perfect place.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Collaborations. Awakening the Soul's Senses.

"Less is more.
More or less."

Less doing.
More being.
More ease.
Less effort.

Less rigid.
More flexible.
More pull 
Less push.

Less darkness.
More light.
More happy.
Less sad.

Less struggle.
More calm.
More clear.
Less doubt.

Less I.
More we.
More together.
Less separate.

Less talking.
More listening.
More giving.
Less taking.

Less fear.
More safe.
More acceptance.
Less harm.

Less hiding.
More seeking.
More changing.
Less resisting.

Less limits.
More space.
More allowing.
Less chasing.

Less worry.
More trust.
More here.
Less there.

Less anxious.
More patience.
More love.
Less hurt.

Less what.
More how.
More us.
Less me.

Who we are, 
is not what we have.
What we do,
is not as important as 
How we do it.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Monday, April 20, 2020

Awakening the Soul's Senses.


The soul's calling,
is never completely understood.
Why here? Why now?
It's only this life just playing out, 
exactly as it should.

We are not this body,
this vessel we are in.
We are only here as passengers,
a new and different calling,
is all ready to begin.

For all of this is infinite,
Our departure set's us free.
The next part of the journey,
is all right there in front of us,
the same for you and me.

We are grateful for our time here,
the soul is ready for the flight.
Rising up, it's spirit soars,
and  heads toward's the light.
Fly safe my friend.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Collaborations. Awakening the Soul's Senses.

Clarity of Vision.

When confronted with a situation,
of which we have no control;
We are challenged to somehow change,

Relax the fears,
of what is real,
and that,
that isn't.

Know for yourself,
what is true,
and not true;
For you.

Remember that the perceptions,
that are showing up for you,
are just that;
Perceptions of your own reality,
speaking to you.

Look for the beauty that exists,
in the non-judgement of what this all is;
Our challenges become opportunities,
in these life changing moments.

Find the freeing and powerful meaning,
in all your current experiences;
Your kindness and compassion, 
now there, to take care, and to share,
in circulation and in service, 
to others. 

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Collaborations. Awakening the Soul's Senses.

Believing... is Seeing.

You will see it,
when you believe it.
Your quiet walk to a brighter light,
is only a few short steps away.

You will see it,
when you believe it.
A simple, yet clear and brilliant sign,
that better things are on their way.

You will see it,
when you believe it.
Your miracles show up in moments,
are you ready for yours?

You will see it,
when you believe it.
Your practice of waiting, and patience,
now showing up as your immediate result.

Your will see it,
when you believe it.
The student now ready,
your teacher appears.

You will see it,
when you believe it.
So see yourself as that brilliant light,
and know who you are, (again) for the very first time.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Collaborations. Awakening the Soul's Senses.

Messages in the Moonlight.

Observe your soul in this moon dance, 
your light is as bright as a flame. 
The mystery of this night's magic,
is quietly whispering your name.

You know where you are in this moment.
all those wishes and dream's can come true.
The silence that live's in this darkness, 
is also your brilliant way through.

Follow this light of reflection,
and know in your heart where it leads.
A beautiful pathway of forward,
a fulfillment of all of your needs.

The moon is telling your story,
of hope and a comfort too.
Only you are the one who can write the words,
for all that is good for you.

This is your moon's light Devine,
And this is your place and time.
At the end of the day,
simply pause and give thanks;
There's nothing more needed to say.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Collaborations. Awakening the Soul's Senses.

This too,
shall pass.

The dark clouds above,
giving way to this new light,
of trust, belief, courage and love.

This too,
shall pass.

The aloneness of an empty space,
is now your new energy,
a path to your place.

This too,
shall pass.

A whole new sense of faith and renew,
your Universe of opportunity, 
just waiting for you.

This too,
shall pass.

Open your heart to a new kind of flow,
that purposeful you,
who you already know.

This too,
shall pass.

And when it's all done,
turn your back to those clouds,
and face your new sun.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Monday, April 6, 2020

Collaborations. Awakening the Soul's Senses.

Immerse your heart,
in the here and now,
and breathe deeply into,
your - entire - self,

in the circulation of substance,
and feel,
your - entire - self, 

Pay close attention,
to the depths of your peace and calm,
and sense,
your - entire - self, 

Release into,
your perfect space of quiet consciousness,
and picture,
your - entire - self,

See clearly,
the every - thing that is right in front of you,
and know,
your - entire - self,
ever so

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Collaborations. Awakening the Soul's Senses.

You have a choice.
To see what you see.
And to decide...
For Yourself.

The road ahead...

Is it is sunset,
or is it a sunrise?

Is there a storm coming,
or is there a storm clearing?

Is the sky growing darker,
or is the sky getting brighter?

Is this road full of bumps and curves,
or is this road simply straight and smooth?

Is there more road behind you,
or is there more road in front of you?

Is this the same road you've always taken,
or is this a new road to somewhere different?

Is this a road to nowhere,
or is this the road to now here?

Is this someone else's road,
or is this road that's yours?
The one that you have chosen,
and destined to be on?

It is always,
your choice.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul