Thursday, March 31, 2011

Live. Inspired.
is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

Live. Authentic. Inspired.

How are You going to Live. Today.
How are You going to be Authentic. Today.
How are You going to be Inspired. Today.

Choose to Live,
the Authentic You in,
"Your Life."
Be aware of,
"Your Authenticity,"
and see,
how beautifully connected,
You feel to,
"Your Source."
"Your Authentic Connection,"
to guide You,
on the path of,
"Your Intention."
everyone and everything,
You need in,
"Your Own Authentic Way,"
with an Authentic heart.
Be Inspired.
by how,
"Your Uniqueness,"
leads you to a place of,
joy, happiness, and a life

Live. Inspired.

Ray Paul. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Eagle Eye Spirit Works
100th Blog Post.

In celebration of my 100th Eagle Eye Sprit Works blog post,
I would like to offer (in celebration) a poetic tribute to my Mother, 
Mary Docksteader, for this beautiful drawing she has done for 
me. It is an original work born with love from her heart and 
I have titled it "Eagle Spirit." Thank you Mom for your love 
and support... and thank you to all my family and friends who 
continue to love and encourage me on my journey of inspiration.

                          Eagle Spirit
                                                       Mary Docksteader        

                       May you carry the vision of
                                 the Eagle Spirit;
                              The strength to soar
                                 on Eagle's wings.
                And the belief, courage, and wisdom
                                        to Fly;
                                 High, graceful 
                                      and Free. 

Live. Inspired.

Ray Paul
Live. Inspired.
is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

Live. Now. Inspired.

How do You choose to Live. Today.
How are You going to stay Now. Today.
How will You be Inspired. Today.

to Live in the Now.
that right Now,
is the most important thing in,
"Your Life."
Take time,
to simply experience,
the here and Now of,
"Your Beautiful World."
feel, and bask in,
all that is...
the awareness of,
"Your Moment Now."
appreciate and celebrate,
all that You are,
and all that You have,
right Now in,
"Your Universe."
"Your World,"
right Now.
Be Inspired.
by how being in the Now,
allows You the ability to shape,
"Your Future,"
by simply staying present,
and completely conscious of,

Live. Inspired.

Ray Paul

Monday, March 28, 2011

 Living The Wisdom of The Tao.
Verse 20.
Through the inspirations of my spiritual mentor Dr. Wayne Dyer,
I have undertaken this year, (as he did in 2006), the teachings of the
eighty-one verses of the "Tao Te Ching." Legend says that the "Tao"
(pronounced "Dao") was written by the prophet "Lao-tzu" some five
hundred years before the birth of Christ. The interpretation of the words
Tao is "The Way" Te is "The Shape and Power" and Ching is "The Book."
It has been called "one of the profoundest books in world philosophy."
For my references I have been studying the interpretations and teachings of
Dr. Dyer from his book "Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life."
In the spirit of Eagle Eye, here is my inspired (poetic) interpretation of
Verse 20.


               Accept that which is offered,
                completely free of all worldly cares.
           See, feel, absorb, that beautiful light that shines;
            to the deepest places of your heart's existence.

        Strive no more, the hurried efforts without reward.
       Relax the weary mind of worry... that trys too hard.
       Release the dark grasp for that struggle which is not;
   and accept the simplicity of all that is... this perfect moment.

        For the here is now, it's arrival pure, and nourishing,
                like the first rays of a warm summer's sun,
  it's arms open, embracing the acceptance of it's peaceful knowing;
          it's Source fulfilled, and in harmony with an inner peace.

                         Bear witness to the surrender,
              the simple allowing, of what once was strived;
            now let go, the ego's fear, torn down this moment,
           by trust, belief, and the brilliance that is... beautiful;

Live Inspired.

Ray Paul  

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Live. Inspired.
is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

Live. Accomplish. Inspired.

How do You choose to Live. Today.
How are You going to Accomplish. Today.
How will You be Inspired. Today.

Set out to,
all of the things that bring,
true happiness to,
"Your Life."
"Your Goals,"
by being totally clear about,
what it is that You want
to Accomplish in,
"Your World."
"In Your Imagination,"
the unlimited abundance of,
"Your Accomplishments,"
manifesting themselves in,
"Your Reality."
the importance of detaching,
from the intended outcomes of,
"Your Accomplishments,"
by simply allowing;
the universe to unfold...
on time, and exactly as it should.
and Accomplish;
"Your Dreams."
Be Inspired.
by how rewarded You feel,
when You realize,
"Your Life;"

Live. Inspired.

Ray Paul

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Live. Inspired.
is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

Live. Light. Inspired.

How do You choose to Live. today.
How are You going to see Light. Today.
How will You be Inspired. Today.

as Light.
the bright Light of life,
to fill up,
every available space in,
"Your Universe."
that the ever-giving,
energy Source,
of Light...
is all around You.
"Your World,"
to feel the warmth,
beauty, and inspiration;
as it flows,
with brilliant Light from,
"Your Soul."
"Your Radiant Light,"
on everyone...
and everything in,
"Your Life."
with Light from,
"Your Heart."
Be Inspired.
by the power You possess,
to turn something cloudy or dark,
into a beautiful,
warm, and loving;

Live Inspired.

Ray Paul

Friday, March 25, 2011

Live. Inspired.
is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

Live. Thoughts. Inspired.

How do You choose to Live. Today.
How are You going to use Thoughts. Today.
How will You be Inspired. Today.

"Your Thoughts,"
to that which You intend.
what You think about,
to what it is You desire for
"Your Life."
Be aware,
that positive Thoughts,
create positive outcomes in,
"Your World."
Expand upon,
"Your Horizons,"
by thinking beyond,
what You believe is possible for,
"Your Universe."
"Your Mind,"
with Thoughts, 
of peace and harmony for,
with Thoughts of love and trust,
"In Your Heart."
Be Inspired.
by how aligned You feel,
when You enact,
a constructive action,
from a positive;

Live Inspired.

Ray Paul

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Living The Wisdom of The Tao.
Verse 19.

Through the inspirations of my spiritual mentor Dr. Wayne Dyer,
I have undertaken this year, (as he did in 2006), the teachings of the
eighty-one verses of the "Tao Te Ching." Legend says that the "Tao"
(pronounced "Dao") was written by the prophet "Lao-tzu" some five
hundred years before the birth of Christ. The interpretation of the words
Tao is "The Way" Te is "The Shape and Power" and Ching is "the Book."
It has been called "one of the profoundest books in world philosophy."
For my references I have been studying the interpretations and teachings of
Dr. Dyer from his book "Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life."
In the spirit of Eagle Eye, here is my inspired (poetic) interpretation of
Verse 19.


                   See life clearly;
                 it's purpose Divine;
          of the shackles of form and rule.

                      Casting away,
            all judgements and pressure;
      the darkness of meaningless attachments,
         to systems, codes, and precedence.

          nurturing, caring and unconditional;
            the abundant and fruitful garden,
                of it's true sacred nature.

            the impeccability of the loving,
                 and ever giving Source,
           of honour, divinity and equality.

                       Perfectly centred,
                         it's spirit lives;
                    within all it's beauty,
        integrity, simplicity, and higher principle.

                       Living generously,
                       it's natural dance;
        beautiful streams overflowing her banks
             of faith, discovery, and belief.

                    Feeling harmonious,
              the balance of it's quiet truth,
         the consciousness of an inner peace,
                    living... beautifully,

Live. Inspired.

Ray Paul  

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Live. Inspired.
is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

Live. Respect. Inspired.

How do You choose to Live. Today.
How are You going to Respect. Today.
How will You be Inspired. Today.

Choose to Live,
"Your Life,"
with Respect.
Make a commitment,
to honour and Respect,
and everything else,
that exists in,
"Your Universe."
"Your Respect,"
to empower,
everything around You,
to a course of,
greater good.
Be aware that,
must be earned;
and that,
"Your Ability,"
to Respect,
and Inspire others is,
"Your Greatest Gift."
and give... Respect,
"In Your Life."
Be Inspired.
by how worthy You feel,
when you fill,
"Your World,"
with love, decency, and

Live. Inspired.

Ray Paul

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Live. Inspired. 
is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

Live. Happy. Inspired.

How are You going to Live. Today.
How are You going to be Happy. Today.
How will You be Inspired. Today.

Choose to Live...
"In Your Life."
is the surest way,
to (true) fulfillment,
"In Your World."
"Your Creativity,"
as an expression,
of how Happy,
You can be when;
"You're On Purpose."
Make it,
"Your Intention,"
to create a Happy environment,
in all aspects of,
"Your Universe."
in gratitude,
and Happiness,
for all of,
"Your Blessings."
Be Inspired.
by the positive energy,
that flows;
when You share,
"Your Being Happy;"
with others.

Live. Inspired.

Ray Paul

Monday, March 21, 2011

Live. Inspired.
is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

Live. Miracles. Inspired.

How do You choose to Live. Today.
How are You going to think Miracles. Today.
How will You be Inspired. Today.

Know that the gift of,
happen...every day,
"In Your Life."
The very existence of,
"Your Own Life,"
is a Miracle,
in, and of...
Be aware of,
"Your Ability,"
to make a difference,
and be a Miracle worker,
in the lives of others!
Miracles can,
and do happen,
if You use the power of,
"Your Mind,"
to intend it to be so.
with a Miracles mindset.
Be Inspired.
by how empowered,
You feel when You decide for,
to make Miracles happen,
"In Your World."

Live. Inspired.

Ray Paul

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Living The Wisdom of The Tao.
Verse 18.

Through the inspirations of my spiritual mentor Dr Wayne Dyer,
I have undertaken this year, (as he did in 2006), the teachings of the
eighty-one verses of the "Tao Te Ching." Legend says that the "Tao"
(pronounced "Dao") was written by the prophet "Lao-tzu" some five
hundred years before the birth of Christ. The interpretation of the words
Tao is "The Way" Te is "The Shape and Power" and Ching is "The Book."
It has been called "one of the profoundest books in world philosophy."
For my references I have been studying the interpretations and teachings of
Dr. Dyer from his book "Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life."
In the spirit of Eagle Eye, here is my inspired (poetic) interpretation of
Verse 18.


                Imagine a world, lawless,
               and without need...for rules.
             A greatness, where actions arise,
      peacefully, and in harmony, with one's heart.

              Every life led, simply, honestly,
          without need for edict or governance.
           This is "the Way." A place of virtue,
       trust, and love for everyone...and everything.

            Responsible choices of kind and just,
                 with an unlimited abundance,
               of joy, kindness, and well being,
                       flowing through all.

                  See that oneness for yourself.
      Be the beauty, that is authentic, kind and generous.
             Respect, and allow the power of lawless,
    to guide you (in spirit) to a world without need, for rules.

Live. Inspired.

Ray Paul

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Living Inspired in the Desert.

As I prepare for my trip back home I find my latest source
of inspiration coming to me from my daily walks, basking in the
warm and sunny weather, and taking in all of the intoxicating beauty of
the surrounding Desert. One of my favourite vistas is the
incredible beauty that is... the "Shadow Magic" of the local mountains.
A couple of years ago I had the good fortune to acquire a beautiful
piece of art, done by a good friend of mine and my Mom, (Jill Charuk)
while she was vacationing here in the Palm Desert area. She brilliantly
captured these extraordinary shadows, and her lovely work, which I have
selfishly titled... "Shadows of the Santa Rosas"...hangs proudly in the living
room of our Desert home. Jill's incredible artistic gift, her passion for
bright colours, and happy, uplifting, and inspirational works, are on
display on her website at
I encourage you to check out her art, and with thanks to Jill for her inspiration,
here is my inspired poetic version of..."The Shadows of the Santa Rosas."

                        Shadows of the Santa Rosas

                                       Quiet the seductive tones,                                                
                                               the gentle voices
                                            of her humble beauty.

                             Mystically drawn, her dark shadowy veils,
                                    in silhouette upon the jagged walls
                                           of a bold and rugged face.

                                    Long, cool rivers of sheltered light,
                                       like tall waterfalls of protection
                                    from the blaze of a hot Desert sun.

                                    Magically, mysteriously her colours,
                                      the kaleidoscope, it's hues awash
                                           to a floor of sand and palm.

                                          Peacefully, with open arms,
                                           all who see...and appreciate
                                     this most natural gift of her existence.

                                                        In gratitude,
                                             she is, the most heavenly;
                                          "Shadows of the Santa Rosas."

Live. Inspired.

Ray Paul                    
Live. Inspired.
is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I've been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

Live. Forgive. Inspired.

How do You choose to Live. Today.
How are You going to Forgive. Today.
How will You be Inspired. Today.

Choose to Live,
and Forgive...
"In Your Life."
Begin with,
Forgiveness for,
And learn,
how to Forgive,
"In Your World."
Be conscious, and aware,
of the (true) power,
that comes from,
"Your Ability,"
to Forgive.
the gift of,
"In Your Heart."
Be Inspired.
by how empowered,
and energized,
You feel...
when You (truly) allow,
and Forget.

Live. Inspired.

Ray Paul

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Live. Inspired.
is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

Live. Friendship. Inspired.

How do You choose to Live. Today.
How are You going to honour Friendship. Today.
How will You be Inspired. Today.

is a wonderful gift.
For to "have" a Friend...
is to "be" a Friend...
Treasure, value, and protect,
all the Friendships,
that you share,
"In Your Life."
Know just how valuable,
true Friendship,
really is.
Be conscious, and aware,
of all of the people,
You call Friends,
"In Your World."
Be there,
with all of the love,
honour and respect,
that a true Friend,
trusts and represents.
with Friendship,
"In Your Heart."
Be Inspired.
by how,
having....and being..
positively affects,
the beautiful Human condition,
we call...

Live. Inspired.

Ray Paul

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Living The Wisdom of The Tao.
Verse 17.

Through the inspirations of my spiritual mentor Dr. Wayne Dyer,
I have undertaken this year, (as he did in 2006), the teachings of the
eighty-one verses of the "Tao Te Ching." Legend says that the "Tao"
(pronounced "Dao") was written by the prophet "Lao-tzu" some five
hundred years before the birth of Christ. The interpretation of the words
Tao is "The Way" Te is "The Shape and Power" and Ching is "The Book."
It has been called "one of the profoundest books in world philosophy."
For my references I have been studying the interpretations and teachings of
Dr. Dyer from his book "Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life."
In the spirit of Eagle Eye, here is my inspired (poetic) interpretation of
Verse 17.


      Quiet, strong, nearly invisible,
        goes the enlightened leader.
     Observing, without interfering,
               a quiet confidence...
        an empowered environment,
           of trust and responsibility.

 Speaking little, while listening intently,
    the greatest teachers allow, inspire,
  and celebrate the accomplishments of the;
            "We did it Ourselves."

    Respected leaders in harmony with;
              "The heartful Way."
  A wisdom that all achievement is earned,
              and should be recognized,
                 for all others... but

         For the greatest leadership lies within;
                Faith, Pride and the Trust...
              to let others see the ability in,

Live. Inspired.

Ray Paul

Monday, March 14, 2011

Live. Inspired.
is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

Live. Disappointment. Inspired.

How do You choose to Live. Today.
How are You going to deal with Disappointment. Today.
How will You be Inspired. Today.

Choose to get past,
any Disappointment,
"In Your Life."
that there will be times,
and situations,
that Disappointment,
will make an appearance,
"In Your World."
the time to,
feel it...
forgive it...
and then forget...
"Your Disappointment."
that (all) things,
shall pass...
"Your Disappointment."
and let go...
of Disappointment,
"In Your Life."
Be Inspired.
by how much better,
You feel,
when You are able
to take the (negative) energies of,
and shift them to a,
(positive) outcome,
by putting all
behind You.

Live. Inspired.

Ray Paul

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Live. Inspired.
is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

Live. Unique. Inspired.

How do You choose to Live. Today
How are You going to be Unique. Today.
How will You be Inspired. Today.

You have been blessed,
with a Unique gift,
and purpose,
"In Your Life."
Celebrate and share,
"Your Uniqueness;"
In service to,
and to "all" others,
"In Your Universe."
"Your Unique,"
and individual way,
with what it is,
that is "calling" You;
To do.
"Your Ability,"
to be Unique,
guide You on,
"Your Path,"
of Karma...
and discovery!
"Your Own,"
Unique Life.
Be Inspired.
by who You are,
and how You feel,
when You discover,
the "one and only,"
and beautiful;

Live Inspired.

Ray Paul

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Live. Inspired.
is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

Live. Harmony. Inspired.

How do You choose to Live. Today.
How are You going to be in Harmony. Today.
How will You be Inspired. Today.

Choose to "Be"
in Harmony...
and in balance with,
and all others,
"In Your Life."
"Your Positive Energy,"
in Harmony,
with everything you love,
and desire for,
"Your World."
"Your Harmony,"
to be aligned with,
The Power of...
"Your Intention."
Stay present, aware,
and conscious...
in Harmony with,
the (true) calling of,
"Your Heart."
in perfect,
Be Inspired.
by how "being,"
in Harmony,
makes You feel when,
"Your Truth,"
passion and inspiration,
are beautifully aligned...
in peace... love...
and Harmony.

Live. Inspired.

Ray Paul

Friday, March 11, 2011

Live. Inspired.
is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

Live. Know. Inspired.

How do You choose to Live. Today.
How are You going to Know. Today.
How will You be Inspired. Today.

Know that everything in,
"Your Life,"
is connected.
Know, and be aware,
that the energy you create,
"In Your World,"
has the power to influence,
"all" that You intend.
Know that by "being,"
patient, humble and grateful,
that You have the ability to attract;
"Your Every Opportunity."
Know that by "giving"
"Of Yourself,"
You will become aligned,
and in balance with,
"Your True Source."
And Know,
who You are.
Be Inspired.
by how this Knowing,
awakens You to see,
that person,
that You Know,
You were destined...
to come to;

Live. Inspired.

Ray Paul

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Living The Wisdom of The Tao.
Verse 16.

Through the inspirations of my spiritual mentor Dr. Wayne Dyer,
I have undertaken this year, (as he did in 2006), the teachings of the
eighty-one verses of the "Tao Te Ching." Legend says that the "Tao"
(pronounced "Dao") was written by the prophet "Lao-tzu" some five
hundred years before the birth of Christ. The interpretations of the words
Tao is "The Way" Te is "The Shape and Power" and Ching is "The Book."
It has been called "one of the profoundest books in world philosophy."
For my references I have ben studying the interpretations and teachings of
Dr. Dyer from his book "Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life."
In the spirit of Eagle Eye, here is my inspired (poetic) interpretation of
Verse 16.


          Endings become beginnings
        and beginnings become endings.
                  For this is Constant.

        Everything eternal, everlasting,
             and in a Constant cycle.
               Forever changing;
            The coming and going,
      on purpose...aligned and in balance.
                This is the nature of

          Allow it, harmonize with it,
        trust it, and simply let it become

                Constant change,
          brings everything a new...
   and then returns it... gracefully to it's

          Live consciously and know,
      that the only thing that is Constant,
                 in the Universe,
                   is what "IS"
               And what is to "BE"

Live Inspired.

Ray Paul

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Live. Inspired. 
is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

Live. Others. Inspired.

How do You choose to Live. Today.
How are You going to be with Others. Today.
How will You be Inspired. Today.

Live. Inspire,
and be Inspired...
by Others,
"In Your Life."
with Others,
who are like-minded,
and making a difference,
in "their" Lives.
Encourage Others,
to join You on
"Your Journey,"
of peace, love,
and harmony,
"In Your Life."
and Be Inspired.
by how Others,
"In Your World,"
help to influence,
"Your Ability,"
to create positive outcomes,
in the Lives of
All Others.

Live. Inspired.

Ray Paul

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Live. Inspired. 
is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

Live. Silent. Inspired.

How do You choose to Live. Today.
How are You going to be Silent. Today.
How will You be Inspired. Today.

Take a little time (each day),
and just be...
Stop all the chasing and
find some quiet space and time,
for (just) You...
"In Your Life."
Pause, take deep breaths,
and just stay....
Allow, everything,
"In Your World."
to simply unfold,
as it should.
Bask in the stillness,
of Silence,
peace, and harmony....
and quietly observe,
all the beauty that is;
"Your Universe."
In gratitude...
for what (simply) comes,
to You...
in Silence.
Be Inspired.
by how being Silent,
quiet, and meditative,
"Fills Your Soul,"
with renewed strength,
energy, and a sense of
Well Being.

Live. Inspired.

Ray Paul

Monday, March 7, 2011

Live. Inspired.
is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

Live. Change. Inspired.

How do You choose to Live. Today.
How are You going to Change. Today.
How will You be Inspired. Today.

Strong winds of Change,
are blowing...
"In Your Life."
Embrace the Changes,
that You feel,
as they will awaken,
and make room for,
new opportunities,
"In Your World."
Stay conscious,
of the Changes, 
that You see...
"For Yourself."
Believe, and know,
that Change is a good thing;
Aligned and in balance,
with the "true" You.
And do not fear...
Be Inspired.
"By Your Courage,"
to Change... 
and trust that,
"Your Changing Experiences"
will guide You on,
"Your Path,"
consistent with the mantra that,
"When Everything Changes;
Change Everything."

Live. Inspired.

Ray Paul

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Living The Wisdom of The Tao.
Verse 15.

Through the inspirations of my spiritual mentor Dr. Wayne Dyer,
I have undertaken this year, (as he did in 2006), the teachings of the
eighty-one verses of the "Tao Te Ching." Legend says that the "Tao"
(pronounced "Dao") was written by the prophet "Lao-tzu" some five
hundred years before the birth of Christ. The interpretations of the words
Tao is "The Way" Te is "The Shape and Power" and Ching is "The Book."
It has been called "one of the profoundest books in world philosophy."
For my references I have been studying the interpretations and teachings of
Dr. Dyer from his book "Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life."
In the spirit of Eagle Eye, here is my inspired (poetic) interpretation of
Verse 15.


            Patiently, the Unhurried waits.
          It's wisdom, subtle, yet profound.
               Yielding quietly, slowly,
                   like muddy waters
                   that become clear,
              when allowed to be stilled
                     and left to settle.

            Do not rush, the early ripening
         for the fruit is best, when left to be;
                       Until it's time.
                  Relax the simple state
                      and let it flow.
                 Witness the unfolding,
               of all it's unlimited potential.

                      Observe the peace,
                   and a destiny fulfilled,
                in harmony and in gratitude
                  for it's willingness eternal.

                         Stop the chase...
                  It see's within, and trusts,
                     the gentleness that is...
                              "The Way;"

Live Inspired.

Ray Paul                    

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Live. Inspired.
Vivir. Inspirar. From Zihuatanejo.
 is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

Live. Feel. Inspired.

How do You choose to Live. Today.
How are You going to Feel. Today.
How will You be Inspired. Today.

Celebrate how uplifted,
enlightened - encouraged -
and Inspired...
You Feel.
"Your Gift,"
to Feel...
and allow,
all that (positive) energy,
to simply flow into,
"Your Life."
the power of,
"Your Intention,"
as it fills,
"Your Heart,"
with (all) that is good,
"In Your World."
"Your Good Feelings,"
with everything in,
"Your Universe."
In Spirit,
with how balanced,
aligned, and grateful,
You Feel.
Be Inspired.
by the joy, happiness,
and contentment,
that is:
"Your Life."
And do not be afraid,
to share, with others...
how (incredibly) good,

Live. Inspired.

Ray Paul

Friday, March 4, 2011

Live. Inspired.
Vivir. Inspirar. From Zihuatanejo.
is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

Live. Emotionally. Inspired.

How do You choose to Live. Today.
How are you going to be Emotionally. Today.
How will You be Inspired. Today.

Stay in control;
"Your Emotions,"
to be consistent with
"Your Intentions."
When You are in balance;
You are in harmony with
"Your Greater Good."
Breathe deeply... and
Seek the pureness of
"Your Potential,"
by remaining,
in tune,
"Within Yourself."
Be conscious of how You are...
at all times,
"In Your World."
Be Inspired.
by how calm You feel,
when You are truly,

Live. Inspired.

Ray Paul

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Live. Inspired.
Vivir. Inspirar. From Zihuatanejo.
 is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

Live. Better. Inspired.

How do You choose to Live. Today.
How are You going to be Better. Today.
How will You be Inspired. Today.

Choose to Live...
a Better Life,
"For Yourself."
"Your Better Life,"
starts with a,
healthy body - healthy mind -
and healthy intentions.
Cultivate a Better nurturing,
(belief) system;
"Within Yourself."
Release, and let go,
all of the negative energy,
"In Your World."
Attract... Better, 
and more positive energy,
and allow it to simply flow,
and manifest itself;
"Into Your Universe."
by doing less,
and accomplishing more!
Be Inspired.
by the beautiful,
harmony, and love,
You feel,
when You activate the changes,
"In Your Life,"
for the

Live. Inspired.

Ray Paul

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Living The Wisdom of The Tao.
Verse 14.

Through the inspirations of my spiritual mentor Dr. Wayne Dyer,
I have undertaken this year, (as he did in 2006), the teachings of the
eighty-one verses of the "Tao Te Ching." Legend says that the "Tao"
(pronounced "Dao") was written by the prophet "Lao-tzu" some five
hundred years before the birth of Christ. The interpretations of the words
Tao is "The Way" Te is "The Shape and Power" and Ching is "The Book."
It has been called "one of the profoundest books in world philosophy."
For my references I have been studying the interpretations and teachings of
Dr. Dyer from his book "Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life."
In the spirit of Eagle Eye, here is my inspired (poetic) interpretation of
Verse 14.


             the space that cannot be seen,
                        felt, or heard.
                      it is always there;
                     A one... untouched.
                      From now here..
                             It returns,
                  to it's pure and graceful;
        Beyond knowing...and not knowing,
                    all in harmony with
                          "the Way."

              Beyond has no beginning,
                     and sees no end.
     Immeasurable, shapeless and bottomless.
            Yet perfectly connected to it's
                     Like an endless sea,
               Beyond the distant horizon;
             It's mystical - magical - powers
                          in it's "being."

          Embrace the infinite nature of it's
                            See Beyond,
           that which the "eyes" cannot see.
                             And Bask
              in the Divine magnificence,
                      of ALL that truly is;

Live. Inspired.

Ray Paul

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Live. Inspired. 
Vivir. Inspirar. from Zihuatanejo.
is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

Live. Give. Inspired.

How do You choose to Live. Today.
How are You going to Give. Today.
How will You be Inspired. Today.

and Give...
"In Your Life."
Sense the universal flow,
of positive energy,
that simply happens,
when You become,
more Giving;
"In Your World."
When You Give,
"From Your Heart,"
You become in balance,
with the (true) Spirit of
"Your Intention."
and become blessed,
by the beauty of,
"Your Giving."
and experience,
the precious gift of,
Be Inspired.
by how grateful You feel,
when You know,
that in Life....
You (truly) do get...
All that You

Live. Inspired.

Ray Paul