Saturday, December 29, 2012

Live. Inspired. is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

Live. Donald Lloyd Docksteader. Inspired.

December 30, 2012 marks the fourth anniversary of my dear
father's, (Donald Lloyd Docksteader) passing. 

There is seldom a day that goes by Dad that I do not think of you.
I want you to know how much I miss you... and how grateful I am
for all your blessings.

This song which I share with you below, was performed by my dear
friend David Fromager at your memorial.
I want you to know that you will always "raise me up"... inspire...
and guide me in my life. 
You brought so much joy, love, and happiness to so many....
and you showed me how to become my own man.

Thank you Dad... May you continue your rest in peace, and may you
gently wrap your arms around the beautiful, warm, and loving light that
is all around you.  

Love always... 

Live. Inspired.

Raymond Paul

Friday, December 28, 2012

Live. Inspired. is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

Live. Life Step-By-Step. Inspired.

           "Taking Life Step-By-Step"

                  "Process transforms any journey
                       into a series of small steps,
                            taken one by one,
                            to reach any goal.
                       Process transcends time,
                             teaches patience,
                      rests on a solid foundation
                          of careful preparation,
                            and embodies trust
                       in our unfolding potential."

Borrowed in gratitude, with trust and patience,
from the book "The Laws of Spirit" by Dan Millman.

Live. Inspired.

Raymond Paul

Monday, December 24, 2012

Live. Inspired. is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

Live. Christmas Gratitude. Inspired.

Today is a very good day... with Gratitude.

The following video, which I share with joy, love 
and Gratitude from my heart, (I believe) captures, 
so very beautifully, all the things that are so incredibly 
important, in the every day living of our lives.
Enjoy, thank you for all my blessings, and
Merry Christmas to all my family, friends, and loved ones.

Live. Inspired.

Raymond Paul

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Live. Inspired. is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

Live. The Law of Balance. Inspired.

           "Finding The Middle Way"

                      "If the gravity is the glue
                 that holds the universe together,
                           balance is the key
                       that unlocks its secrets.
                            Balance applies
                 to our body, mind, and emotions,
                      to all levels of our being.
                 It reminds us that anything we do,
                      we can overdo or undo,
                     and that if the pendulum
                        of our lives or habits
                     swings too far to one side,
               it will inevitably swing to the other."

Borrowed, in gratitude from the book,
"The Laws of Spirit" by Dan Millman.

Live. Inspired.

Raymond Paul

Friday, December 14, 2012

Living The Wisdom of The Tao.
Verse 57.

Through the inspirations of my spiritual mentor Dr. Wayne Dyer,
I have undertaken this year, (as he did in 2006), the teachings of the
eighty-one verses of the "Tao Te Ching." Legend says that the "Tao"
(pronounced "Dao") was written by the prophet "Lao-tzu" some five
hundred years before the birth of Christ. The interpretation of the words
Tao is "The Way" Te is "The Shape and Power" and Ching is "the Book."
It has been called one of the profoundest books in world philosophy."
For my references I have been studying the interpretations and teachings of
Dr. Dyer form his book "Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life."
In the spirit of Eagle Eye, here is my inspired (poetic) interpretation of
Verse 57.


                                The greatest Leaders,
                             do so without controlling;
                                       Letting go,
                               the power of authority,
                                       and trusting,
                                        in the will,
                                         of others.

                                The most effective Leaders,
                                         and practice,
                                     the inspired belief,
                                           that the art, 
                                       of minimal action,
                                      the most successful

                                 The most respected Leaders,
                                         are celebrated, 
                                    Not for what they do,
                                     but more importantly,
                                       for how they do it.
                                       Without imposition,
                                           or interference,

Live. Inspired.

Raymond Paul                                     

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Living The Wisdom of The Tao. 
Verse 56.

Through the inspirations of my spiritual mentor Dr. Wayne Dyer,
I have undertaken this year, (as he did in 2006), the teachings of the
eighty-one verses of the "Tao Te Ching." Legend says that the "Tao"
(pronounced "Dao") was written by the prophet "Lao-tzu" some five
hundred years before the birth of Christ. The interpretation of the words
Tao is "The Way" Te is "The Shape and Power" and Ching is "The Book."
It has been called "one of the profoundest books in world philosophy."
For my references I have been studying the interpretations and teachings of
Dr. Dyer from his book "Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life."
In the spirit of Eagle Eye, here is my inspired (poetic) interpretation of 
Verse 56.

                           Silent Knowing

                               Know in silence,
                       and let go of your attachment,
                              to the spoken word.

                              Resist the temptation,
                            to pontificate on others, 
                   for when you do... you do not know.

                         Listen and Live in the light,
                                 of silent knowing,
             and feel the balance of your harmonic centre.

                                  Remain quiet,
                         and breathe the surreal calm,
               that beholds your "highest" inner awareness.

                                 Notice, observe,
          and allow the softness of your tender underside,
                    to open, embrace, and humbly share,
                                          in a
                                silent knowing.

Live. Inspired.

Ray Paul

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Live. Inspired. is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

Don't normally do this... but was so moved by the absolutely amazing
Voice of 18 year old Trevin Hunt (from the TV show "The Voice') that
I felt compelled to share. His incredible talent, and God-given gift, is
something to behold. This song, his version of Jennifer Hudson's
"I'm Telling You," is nothing short of breath taking... (goose bumps)..
Enjoy! ...and be Inspired!

Live. Inspired.

Ray Paul
Living The Wisdom of The Tao.
Verse 55.
Through the inspirations of my spiritual mentor Dr. Wayne Dyer,
I have undertaken this year, (as he did in 2006), the teachings of the
eighty-one verses of the "Tao Te Ching." Legend says that the "Tao"
(pronounced "Dao") was written by the prophet "Lao-tzu" some five
hundred years before the birth of Christ. The interpretation of the words
Tao is "The Way" Te is "the Shape and Power" and Ching is "The Book."
It has been called "one of the profoundest books in world philosophy."
For my references I have been studying the interpretations and teachings of
Dr. Dyer from his book "Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life."
In the spirit of Eagle Eye, here is my inspired (poetic) interpretation of
Verse 55.

                           Letting Go

                        Let go...
                  And be the child (again) in,
                              Your Life.
                                Let go...
                   And release the ego belief
                     from holding you back,
                     and allow the real truth,
                     to show up for you in,
                          Your Universe.

                                Let go...
                And Live. in peace and harmony,
                  with yourself... and all others in,
                            Your World.

                                 Let go...
                    Lose the control you seek.
                    Surrender and simply live,
                      Life's natural rhythms,
               in alignment and acceptance with,
                             Your Source.

                                 Let go...
                       Relax and see yourself,
                           as indestructible;
                Free of stress, worry, and fear in,
                        Everything You Do.

                                 Let go...
                    And be open to allowing;
           Replacing effort, interference, and force,
            with trust, faith, and a gentle knowing,
                      that all that You desire,
                               is already,
                          waiting for You,
                               by simply;
                               Letting Go.

Live. Inspired.

Ray Paul     

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Living The Wisdom of The Tao.
Verse 54.

Through the inspirations of my spiritual mentor Dr. Wayne Dyer,
I have undertaken this year, (as he did in 2006), the teachings of the
eighty-one verses of the "Tao Te Ching." Legend says that the "Tao"
(pronounced "Dao") was written by the prophet "Lao-tzu" some five
hundred years before the birth of Christ. The interpretation of the words
Tao is "The Way" Te is "The Shape and Power" and Ching is "The Book."
It has been called "one of the profoundest books in world philosophy."
For my references I have been studying the interpretations and teachings of
Dr. Dyer from his book "Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life."
In the spirit of Eagle Eye, here is my inspired (poetic) interpretation of
Verse 54.

                              Making a Difference

                          What a difference,
                                           You make
                                when you ultimately choose 
                                              to Live,
                                            Your Life...
                                     making a difference.

                                           Your place,
                                           Your ability
                                    to make a difference,
                                          and celebrate
                                      the positive energy
                                               that is...
                                      making a difference
                                      in the lives of others.

                                            and realize
                                            how much
                                            You matter;
                                           in Your heart
                                          that everything
                                              You do
                                         and illuminating

Live Inspired.

Ray Paul

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Live. Inspired. is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

Live. Thankful. Inspired.

How do I choose to Live. Today.
How am I going to be Thankful. Today.
How will I be Inspired. Today.

I am blessed, as a Canadian (with a residence in the U.S.)
the joy of celebrating "two" Thanksgiving's a year!
Happy U.S. Thanksgiving to my daughter Jessica,
and all my friends and acquaintances in the United Sates.


                                  I am,
                             for all my gifts.
                            for love, family,
                             and happiness.

                           for this moment,
             and for those that make a difference;
                                every day.
                             for the beauty,
                          that is all abound.
                                  at Peace
                               and eternally
                                 for this gift,

                               for it's journey...
                                   this path
                              For in this time,
                             and in this place,
                                      I am

Happy Thanksgiving!

Ray Paul

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Live. Inspired. is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

Live. The Law of Least Effort. Inspired.

How do I choose to Live. Today.
How will I expend. The Law of Least Effort. Today.
How will I be. Inspired. Today.

"An integral being knows without going, 
 sees without looking, 
 and accomplishes without doing,"

"The fourth spiritual law of success,
The Law of Least Effort,
is based on the fact that nature's intelligence
functions with effortless ease, with carefreeness,
harmony and love.
Least effort is expended when our actions are
motivated by love, because nature is held together
by the energy of love.
Accept people, situations, and events as they are,
not as you wish they were, in this moment.
You can intend for things to be different in the future,
but in this moment, accept things as they are.
Take responsibility for your situation.
Do not blame anyone, or anything, for your situation,
including yourself.
Responsibility means the ability
to have a creative response to the situation as it is now.
When you embrace the present, you begin to experience
the spirit that is within everything.
In this joyful, simple freedom, you will know that what you
want is available to you, because your want is coming from
a state of happiness, not from a state of anxiety and fear.
Release your intentions without attachment, and when
the season is right, your desires will blossom into reality."

An excerpt from the Fourth Spiritual Law of Success
from the book - The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success,
by - Deepak Chopra

Live. Inspired.

Ray Paul

Monday, November 12, 2012

Living The Wisdom of The Tao
Verse 53
Through the inspirations of my spiritual mentor Dr. Wayne Dyer,
I have undertaken this year, (as he did in 2006), the teachings of the
eighty-one verses of the "Tao Te Ching." Legend says that the "Tao"
(pronounced "Dao") was written by the prophet "Lao-tzu" some five
hundred years before the birth of Christ. The interpretation of the words
Tao is "The Way" Te is "The Shape and Power" and Ching is "The Book."
It has been called "one of the profoundest books in world philosophy."
For my references I have been studying the interpretations and teachings of
Dr. Dyer from his book "Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life."
In the spirit of Eagle Eye, here is my inspired (poetic) interpretation of
Verse 53.


               Live Honourably, as he would say.
                         Do not fear... and do not stray.
                             Imagine..... all that may,
              When Honourably walks... in the "Great Way."

                       Honourably is there, for all to see.
                        A place to live.... and simply be.
                       All of it connected... you and me,
                    A oneness, the universe... we are free.

                     Honourably, kind, and aligned with all;
                         Now take heed, to a different call.
                           Do not stumble... do not fall.
                Believe, Honourably... stand proud... and tall.

                       Make a difference... make that vow.
                 To change, practice, and know Honourably now.
                       See yourself in others.... feel the Wow!
           When you choose Honour, in harmony, with "The Tao" 

Live. Inspired.

Ray Paul                               

Monday, November 5, 2012

Live. Inspired. is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

Live. Sagebrush. Inspired.

I would like to take this opportunity to formally announce my new
advisory role with the Sagebrush Golf and Sporting Club...
"The Club at Sagebrush."
As one of the original investors, co-founders, and business partners
(2002) in this incredibly unique and special project, I am thrilled to be
back involved again, with the wonderful opportunity to continue with
this most exciting, gratifying, and worthwhile endeavour.

I am grateful to Cal Payne, and the entire ownership group (Four For Fore),
for their trust and belief in me, as well as honouring the time, effort,
and investment that I have already put in. I would also like to express my
sincere appreciation to the new Club President Bob Garnett, and General
Manager Don Harvey for reaching out to me, and offering me this opportunity
to join their dedicated team again. In my new advisory role I will carry the title of..
Co-Founder - Brand Development.

I look forward to consulting on a lot of the elements that support the vision,
culture, and passion that is (uniquely) the "Sagebrush" brand. I would like to
think that (based on my experience) that I truly understand the real meaning of
"The Spirit of Sagebrush" and having been there from the very start,
know what "it" is.... that makes this beautiful property so very special.

It will be an honour, and a privilege, to carry on the legacy of my late (dear friend)
Terry Donald, and share in his vision, the belief, and the energy that he always
brought (so passionately) to this important project. I am humbled to be one of
the original four (co-founders).

The framework for the dream, together with the ongoing support of Cal Payne
and his team, gives me great confidence that Sagebrush will continue to grow,
evolve, and consistently be recognized as one of the most coveted
"golf retreat properties" anywhere.
But don't just take my word for it. Feel free to visit our website at or contact me directly by email at...

I would be happy to furnish, or direct you to, any information you may require...
from how to access the Club; membership categories and information, to
corporate retreats, group events (and tournaments)... lodging,
and accommodations.... (including transportation and directions).
It would be my pleasure to "personally" assist (or even host) your very own 
private Sagebrush golf, fly fishing, dining and cottage accommodation experience!
Come join me (and the entire Posse)... and...

Live. Sagebrush. Inspired.

Ray Paul

Friday, October 26, 2012

Live. Inspired. is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

Live. Choices. Inspired.

How do I choose to Live. Today.
How will I make my Choices. Today.
How will I be Inspired. Today.

Every single day,
I am beautifully presented,
with a (seemingly) endless amount of 
that I can make in, 
"My Life."
"My Choices," 
may be well thought out; 
planned and tested, 
before I make,
"My Final Decision."
Other times, 
"My Choices,"
can be made subconsciously,
through trust, belief, 
and a simple knowing within,
The ability to make Choices is,
"My Greatest Gift,"
and I am grateful for the opportunity, 
to Choose
exactly what, who, and where it is,
that brings the greatest amount of
joy, happiness, and purpose into,
"My Life."
My first Choice (always),
must be to that which serves, 
"My Greatest Good."
I Choose to be in balance with, 
and with all other's... 
who Choose to share in,
"My Life's Journey." 
I celebrate, 
these wonderful Choices
that are always available to me in, 
"My World."
I Choose to 
The Choices,
that most Inspire me;
and will always, 
and in all ways, 
demonstrate the courage,
conviction, and responsibility,
to follow through... on all
"My Choices."

Live. Inspired.

Ray Paul

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Live. Inspired. is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

"Personal happiness multiplies when
you're focused on giving... 
rather than receiving.
Fall in love with what you're doing,
and then "share" that feeling
of love, enthusiasm, and joy; 
generated by (all) your efforts."

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Live. Inspired. is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

Live. -ful. Inspired.

How do I choose to Live. Today.
How will I be -ful. Today.
How will I be Inspired. Today.

There is so much beauty,
and positiveness in certain words.
Particularly ones that paint strong, 
and Power-ful images in our imagination.
Here listed below are a number of,
"My Favourite,"
-ful words,
and their descriptives...
in "My Own" words.

Art-ful... celebrating the gift of our creativity within.
Beauti-ful... the beauty that is our world all around us.
Bliss-ful... a life of pure love and complete surrender.
Cheer-ful... a positive expression of confidence and energy.
Delight-ful... a bright outlook that shines, and naturally attracts.
Dream-ful... that amazing place where everything is possible.
Event-ful... an intention filled space where manifests happen.
Faith-ful... the most powerful belief system we hold.
Grace-ful... the humble existence of ease and least effort.
Grate-ful... absolute appreciation for each blessing and every gift.
Heart-ful... to lead and act from the deepest places within.
Joy-ful... unbridled peace, contentment, and happiness for all that is.
Meaning-ful... making a difference, and knowing what truly matters.
Merci-ful... caring, compassion, and the desire to reach out.
Mind-ful... a place of complete awareness... pure consciousness.
Peace-ful... a state of calm and trust in all that is right and good.
Purpose-ful... a sense of intention, desire, and action working together.
Respect-ful... a place of honour... earned, admired, and trusted in.
Success-ful... the manifestation of dreams and intentions fulfilled.
Trust-ful... total belief, and the complete surrender to fear and uncertainty.
Truth-ful... honest, unconditional, and in balance with your "being."

I am Thank-ful,
(appreciative, and grateful),
for this Wonder-ful,
(unique, and special),
opportunity to share,
"My Thoughts"
dreams, wishes, and goals,
here with you.
Here's to a very 'ful
for us all.

Ray Paul

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Live. Inspired. is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

Live. Maui on My Mind. Inspired.

How do I choose to Live. Today.
How do I have Maui on My Mind. Today.
How will I be Inspired. Today.

Perhaps it is the change of season;
Or just for some unknown reason.
I feel the need, and am drawn to return,
There are things not done, and more to learn.

I have,
 Maui on,
"My Mind."

Maybe it's the first signs of Fall,
That beckons a familiar call.
The wonder and beauty of this magical place,
I am inspired, and at peace, in such a spiritual space.

I feel,
Maui on,
"My Mind."

It's breath taking walks along the beach,
Rolling waves, and humpback whales, within my reach.
Tropical palms sway gently beneath a setting sun,
It is here where I feel the Earth... and am one.

I am Inspired,
by Maui on,
"My Mind."

It's here that I would like to share this song,
A favourite of mine from years long gone.
Timeless, it's a song of love, by (Hawaii's own) C & K,
And I dream of returning one sweet day.

I want to,
Maui on, 
"My Mind."

Ray Paul

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Live. Inspired. is a collection of my own creation.  It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

Live. Terry's Spirit. Inspired.

Below are some photos from a truly special weekend
at Sagebrush. A lovely gathering of Terry's closest friends
and family, coming together one last time, to say good-bye
at Terry's happy place. A truly beautiful day, filled with
many "perfect moments"... a chance to remember, celebrate,
let go, and move on... just as Terry would have wanted.
Thank you to all who participated. What an amazing ride!

             Preparing for the festivities... Terry's BBQ... Go BIG or Go Home!


                  Wonderful turnout of 60-70 family, staff, and friends of Sagebrush.

Terry's wife Carolyn and Cal Payne (Four For Fore) dedicating Terry's Hideout.

                    Very appropriate my friend... The Hideout truly was "your" dream.
                     (Notice the bright blue orb, and pale green one just above it)
                                      Upper centre of the picture...
                           What I believe is Terry's Spirit all around!

Many wonderful memories inside this special place!

Celebrating Life. Terry Style!... with Terry (hot) Dogs... and plenty of Boat Gas!  

With Carolyn... after planting Terry's Tree...A mighty Douglas Fir. 

A lone Piper... an emotional... and beautiful sendoff.

Good luck on your journey my friend... until we meet again.

It's not about what we get in life,
It's about what we give.
It's not about what is not,
But only about how "purposefully" we Live.

Ray Paul

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Live. Inspired. is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

Live. A Special Birthday. Inspired.

Happy 20th Birthday Jessica!
I am so proud of you young lady,
and feeling a bit sad,
that I cannot be there with you today.
I promise to come down very soon,
and look forward to celebrating
this special day with you....
Live.... and in person!

In the meantime I want you to know
that you are in my heart,
and in my thoughts, and prayers...
I miss you so very much, and can't wait to see you!
Have a wonderful day my Tiny Dancer...

I love you....

"You live in a universe that has limitless potential
for joy built into the creation process...
Your Source, the universal mind of intention,
adores you beyond anything you can possibly imagine."

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer