Saturday, May 26, 2012

Live. Inspired. is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

Live. Child-like. Inspired.

Today's sharing of my Live. Inspired. comes with
gratitude and thanks to my little niece Amber and 
nephew Riley Robertson. I have enjoyed every minute
of my time with them during this week's cruise for my 
Mother's 80th birthday. Their sheer energy, passion and 
exuberance for life, has been totally inspiring to me. 
Thank you Amber and Riley, for all the smiles, laughter,
and beautiful moments... I love you.... 
Uncle Paul

How do I choose to Live. Today.
How am I going to be Child-like. Today.
How am I going to be Inspired. Today.

See the innocence,
that is Living, 
in Life.
Bewildered, playful, 
a complete sense of awe...
where everything is simply,
beautiful, anew, 
and filled with joy, enthusiasm,
love, and faith.
To Live this way,
is to experience,
and trust in Life,
as you would as a Child.
Discover the world,
and everything in it,
through Child-like eyes.
Know everything,
in Life "again"
for the very first time.
Feel the joy that is,
fearless, content,
and free of any,
and all judgement.
Appreciate the small things,
as Childlike,
where all wonder is generated,
from simply "being"
your Child within.
Trust that everything is,
exactly as it should be,
right here... in this precise moment.
Embrace Life,
and everything in it,
as perfect...
Take time to laugh,
and giggle at yourself....
just as a Child views Life,
through twinkling, and curious eyes.
Believe, just as the Child does,
at what is real to you in your heart.
Imagine, like a Child,
that anything is possible,
where all dreams, wishes,
and desires can come true,
if you can imagine it first.
the bliss that is,
the open-mind of a beautiful Child.
Be Inspired.
by the contagious energy,
that is shared by every living thing,
when you Live, every day,
in your heart.

Live. Inspired.

Ray Paul

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Living The Wisdom of The Tao.
Verse 52
Through the inspirations of my spiritual mentor Dr. Wayne Dyer,
I have undertaken this year, (as he did in 2006), the teachings of the
eighty-one verses of the "Tao Te Ching." Legend says that the "Tao"
(pronounced "Dao") was written by the prophet "Lao-tzu" some five
hundred years before the birth of Christ. The interpretation of the words
Tao is "The Way" Te is "The Shape and Power" and Ching is "The Book."
It has been called "one of the profoundest books in world philosophy."
For my references I have been studying the interpretations and teachings of
Dr. Dyer from his book "Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life."
In the spirit of Eagle Eye, here is my inspired (poetic) interpretation of
Verse 52.

                     Returning to the Beginning

                Seeing everything small is clarity,
                             returning to the beginning.
                      Being in touch with who you truly are,
              is the beauty (of dreams) that you see in every star.

                  Flexible the strength filled with radiant light,
                               returning to the beginning.
                    Where all creations are birthed, and emerge,
                        not seen, nor felt, in it's silent surge.

                   From the constant invisible which sustains all things,
                                returning to the beginning.
            It remains, unavailable, and mysterious, to our every sense,
                       the peaceful witness to a present tense.

                        No-thing is separate from Mother Earth
                                 returning to the beginning.
                        Every-thing a one, in silence, and in awe,
          to all that is eternal, and perfect... an existence without flaw.

                            Like hearing... without listening.
                               saying... without speaking.
                               seeing... without looking.
                              knowing... without thinking.
                                   You can never truly be
                                     without a conscious,
                                  returning to the beginning.

Live. Inspired.

Ray Paul            

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all of the Mother's
of the world. We celebrate your greatest gift...
the gift of life... and are grateful for your 
unconditional love and support of our lives.
In honour of your special day I offer my own
inspired (poetic) words with love and respect
from my heart.


         We are grateful to you Mother,
            your love so pure, and like no other.
       Your courage, beauty, and sense of strength,
            a commitment to go to any length.

             You pick us up when we fall,
         straighten our backs so we stand tall.
           Hold our hand when we live in fear,
             and tenderly dab a fallen tear.

              You Mother, are beauty defined,
       turn what is wrong into something refined.
             The power to weather any storm,
        Your arms reach out and keep us warm.

           For you Mother, in your humble grace,
   show us meaning, purpose, and our rightful place.
            With kind words, you gently teach,
        and nothing we feel, is beyond our reach.

             I love you Mom... with all my heart;
             it's been that way from the very start.
               For without you, there is no me,
         and for that I am appreciative as I can be.

            Thank you Mom... Have a great day!

Love. Inspired.

Ray Paul

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Living The  Wisdom of The Tao
Verse 51

Through the inspirations of my spiritual mentor Dr. Wayne Dyer,
I have undertaken this year, (as he did in 2006), the teachings of the
eighty-one verses of the "Tao Te Ching." Legend says that the "Tao"
(pronounced "Dao") was written by the prophet "Lao-tzu" some five
hundred years before the birth of Christ. The interpretation of the words
Tao is "The Way" Te is "The Shape and Power" and Ching is "The Book."
It has been called "one of the profoundest books in world philosophy."
For my references I have been studying the interpretations and teachings of
Dr. Dyer from his book "Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life."
In the spirit of Eagle Eye, here is my inspired (poetic) interpretation of
Verse 51.

                          The Hidden Virtue

                       Unconscious, perfect, and free...
                               the hidden virtue.     
                Honour, and value, it always gives, without asking.
            A quiet knowing, of what is pure, true, and meant to be. 

                Nourishing, nurturing, it shelters and protects...
                                the hidden virtue.
               Does not posses, only grows, knows and fosters,
              always produces, yet never needs, wants or expects.

                   Spontaneous, and responsible in every choice...
                                 the hidden virtue.
                     Allows, expands, in all that it creates, 
               is free, and perfect... a oneness with the inner voice.

                               Like a true love surreal...
                                  the hidden virtue.
                       is the gift, of strength, trust and patience,
              the power of belief, together, with everything you feel.

                     Safe, and complete, in the beautiful Way...
                                 the hidden virtue.
           that lies in all of us....when we simply let go, trust and believe, 
                      in what we know today... and every day;
                             the beauty that is the gift of
                                  the hidden virtue.

Live. Inspired.

Ray Paul 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Live. Inspired. is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

Live. Love. Inspired.

How do I choose to Live. Today.
How am I going to Love. Today.
How will I be Inspired. Today.

In gratitude for the loving, sharing, passion,
and energy of the conference which I
attended here in Vancouver yesterday. The
beautiful teachings of Dr. Wayne Dyer,
Gregg Braden, and Marianne Williamson,
have filled my heart and soul with a sense
of peace, and purpose, and I am forever
grateful. The experience of this beautiful
sharing has left me inspired, and through this
process the following understanding has revealed
itself to me in this simple, yet very profound learning.
Here, in my own words, is what I have come to know.

"The ego wants to understand why...
 While the heart simply knows...and feels...
 The (real) truth...
 And all is well... and good...
 In Love."

Live. Inspired.

Ray Paul

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Live. Inspired. is a collection of my own creation. It speaks to "how" I have been choosing to live my life each day. A conversation with, and for myself actually. When my true inspirations are attached to that which I intend, I feel the Universe "opening up" to a whole new world of abundance, opportunity, and discovery. And by sharing my inspirations here with makes me feel good too!

We Only Get What We Give

Wake me up,
I've got the dreamer's disease.
Feeling lost,
and down on my knees.
So polite,
I'm busy still saying please.

But when the night is falling,
I cannot find the light.
I feel my dreams are dying;
Hold tight.

You've got the music in you,
Don't let go,
You've got the music in you.
One dance left,
Your world is going to pull through.
Don't give up.
You've got a reason to live.
Can't forget,
we only get what we give.

Four A.M.
I've run a miracle mile.
All tired out,
but somehow still manage a smile.
I dream alone,
it's been awhile,
Can't forget,
what's in my heart,
has always been,
right from the start.

But when the night is falling,
I cannot find the light.
I feel my dreams are dying;
Hold tight.

You've got the music in you,
Don't let go,
You've got the music in you.
One dance left,
Your world is going to pull through.
Don't give up.
You've got a reason to live.
Can't forget,
we only get what we give.

This whole damn thing could fall apart,
You'll be OK... follow your heart.
Fly high,
for what is real,
can never die.
You only get what you give,
You'll only get what you give...
Just don't be afraid...
To Live.

Live. Inspired.

Ray Paul
(Inspired by the music of the New Radicals)