Monday, April 1, 2019

Live. Inspired. Too.

Living. Peering Through the Darkness. Inspired.

I am living, seeking only light, looking through my dark shadows,
examining my true self, looking to be the person I really want to be;
When I am..
Living. Peering Through the Darkness.

I am reflecting in the mirror of my life, observing,
just who and how I am, what I want, and where I need to be in my life;
When I am..
Living. Peering Through the Darkness.

I understand the choices that I make are my own, my responsibility,
the things I choose to see, the way I choose to react, and how I choose to feel;
When I am..
Living. Peering Through the Darkness.

I know that my challenges will come and go, the energy constantly moving,
my willingness to forge ahead, walk my way through, in love and forgiveness;
When I am..
Living. Peering Through the Darkness.

I am rising up, witnessing that darkest time before any dawn,
confident in the knowing that there will always be that beautiful light,
shining brightly on my grateful soul;
When I am..
Living. Peering Through the Darkness. Inspired.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

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