Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Collaborations. Awakening the Soul's Senses.

Believing... is Seeing.

You will see it,
when you believe it.
Your quiet walk to a brighter light,
is only a few short steps away.

You will see it,
when you believe it.
A simple, yet clear and brilliant sign,
that better things are on their way.

You will see it,
when you believe it.
Your miracles show up in moments,
are you ready for yours?

You will see it,
when you believe it.
Your practice of waiting, and patience,
now showing up as your immediate result.

Your will see it,
when you believe it.
The student now ready,
your teacher appears.

You will see it,
when you believe it.
So see yourself as that brilliant light,
and know who you are, (again) for the very first time.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

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