Sunday, November 25, 2018

Live. Inspired. Too.

Living. In The Calm Of My Every Storm. Inspired.

I am living the practice of breathing through,
patient in my waiting, for those storms of life to clear;
When I am,
Living. In The Calm Of My Every Storm.

I understand that there will be times of stress, unrest and angst,
and I am allowing the brilliant light to break those clouds of darkness;
When I am,
Living. In The Calm Of My Every Storm.

I am aware that the judgement, assumptions, and hurtful opinions of others,
are ultimately none of my business, care, or concern;
When I am,
Living. In The Calm Of My Every Storm.

I am grateful for my every difficulty, my every challenge,
as my opportunity to learn, these important teachings, of who I truly am;
When I am,
Living. In The Calm Of My Every Storm. 

I am feeling so much more at peace,
My heart and soul full, and free of any pain or disappointment;
Seeking that higher place..
When I am,
Living. In The Calm Of My Every Storm. Inspired.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul.

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