Thursday, December 20, 2018

Live. Inspired. Too.

Living. Seeing Things As They Are. Inspired.

I am meeting all of the experiences in my life,
from a place of surrender, patience, and a clearer understanding;
When I am..
Living. Seeing Things As They Are.

I am accepting, allowing, and completely trusting;
in surrender to the Universe's ultimate plan for my life;
When I am;
Living. Seeing Things As They Are. 

I am following the currents of my life's natural flow, staying on my chosen course,
in full belief of my truth, my journey, and my destined path;
When I am..
Living. Seeing Things As They Are.

I acknowledge that where I am, in this moment, is exactly where I am supposed to be,
all of it a larger part of a much bigger plan;
When I am..
Living. Seeing Things As They Are.

I am detaching myself from any outcomes for the future;
at peace in the knowing that everything unfolds exactly as it should;
Open, willing, and trusting, without interference or conflict;
When I am..
Living. Seeing Things As They Are. Inspired.

In humble gratitude.
Raymond Paul

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